Eat Grapes, Live Healthy

Grapes are known as the ‘queen of fruits’. From being used in dishing out sinful desserts and fruit bowls to being the

[the_ad id=”6085″]primary ingredient in the winemaking process, grapes have a lot to offer. It belongs to the family of berries and comes in different colours like green, red, blue, purple and black. Grapes are available in the market throughout the year and are loaded with essential nutrients that work for the well-being of the body. How do they benefit your health? Let’s check it out. 

Power of Antioxidants

Grapes contain a wide range of phytonutrients like carotenoids and polyphenols. Phytonutrients help in preventing certain types of cancer and help in maintaining heart health. Polyphenols like resveratrol have miraculous properties like inhibiting the formation of free radicals that cause cancer, dilating blood vessels to ease blood flow and lowering blood pressure.

Potassium Benefits

Grapes are rich in potassium. High intake of potassium and lowering sodium content helps your body in various ways. Potassium even counteracts excess sodium. It is beneficial for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart health.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Grapes also contain certain enzymes which bring about an anti-inflammatory effect in the body. It brings about relief to the arteries, promotes heart health and helps in repairing the body.

Preventing Skin Problems

Resveratrol present in grapes prevents signs of ageing and other skin problems. According to a study, resveratrol, when combined with common acne medication like benzoyl peroxide, fights the acne-causing bacteria.

Good for the Eyes

Research points out that grapes promote eye health by signalling changes at the cellular level and by directly countering oxidative stress. Eating grapes on a daily basis lowers the levels of inflammatory proteins and higher amounts of protective proteins in the retinas-the part of the eye which consists of cells that respond to light, known as photoreceptors.

Boosts Brain Power

Resveratrol present in grapes helps in increasing blood flow to the brain and speeding up mental responses. It’s extremely beneficial for those suffering from brain-related ailments like Alzheimer’s. A study has also found that resveratrol can remove plaques and free radicals, which affect the brain.

Promotes Bone Health

A recent study has proved that eating grapes on a daily basis relieves one from knee pain, especially the ones triggered due to symptomatic osteoarthritis. Grapes are rich in polyphenols, which help in improving the flexibility and mobility of joints.

