Ideal Diet for Breastfeeding Mums

Breast milk is the best dietary option for newborns and lactating mothers who need to take special care of their diets

[the_ad id=”6085″]to ensure optimal nutrition for their babies. A breastfeeding mother needs around 400-500 kcal/day to keep up her energy along with a healthy natural diet to reap the rewards for her and her baby’s health. A balanced diet that has foods from all food groups help in body building, boosting immunity and providing the extra energy required by a breastfeeding mother. Read along to know about the essential foods in a breastfeeding mother’s diet. 

Food with complex carbohydrates is a must

6-11 servings of carbohydrates (starch) are essential. Choose whole grain varieties of roti, bread, cereal, rice and pasta for added fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Include plenty (5-8 servings) of fruits and vegetables, as these are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Dark leafy green vegetables and dried fruits are especially good to meet the increased requirements of iron and calcium.

Add more proteins.

Eat 3-4 servings of lean protein from pulses, beans, peas, nuts, and seeds. Non-vegetarians can choose lean meats, poultry, and fish. Also, choose low-fat milk and milk products.

Your body needs the fat!

Fat is an essential nutrient in the diet, as 50% of the calories of breast milk come from fat. So include healthy fats from nuts and seeds. Flax-seeds and walnuts are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Non-vegetarians can eat oily fish and eggs.

Increase your water intake.

Breast milk is 88% water by weight, making this the most critical nutrient required to meet the demands of a suckling baby. Try to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water each day at frequent intervals. Mothers can also drink coconut water, as it is loaded with electrolytes and is low in sugar.

Avoid caffeine

Avoid large volumes of caffeine (coffee, strong tea, or cola), as this can affect the nutrient makeup of breast milk. In some women, including caffeine in the breastfeeding diet can disrupt the milk supply. So, limit caffeine intake to two or fewer cups a day.

Prenatal vitamin is a must

Also, to make sure that the mother and the baby are getting all the vitamins, continue a daily prenatal vitamin until the baby is weaned. Vitamin D helps bones and teeth to grow and is made by our bodies when our skin is exposed to sunlight, so regular sun exposure for 15-20 minutes is a must for the mom and her baby.

 Avoid smoking and alcohol

Smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided at all costs by the mother as it can hamper the optimal development of the newborn.

With these nutritional tips, we hope mothers will have a great time nursing their babies and seeing them grow into happy and healthy children. Mothers also have a duty to spread the message that breastfeeding is a healthy practice both for the newborn and the mother. While breast milk has essential nutrients and antibodies that protect the newborn from diseases, breastfeeding also significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer in mothers.

