Pregnancy Myths That You Should Stop Believing

Pregnancy is a beautiful phase of life and to make it exciting, burst these pregnancy myths in your mind to enjoy every day at its best.

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Myth: No tea or coffee

According to the experts, you can safely have one to two cups of coffee or tea per day and still come in under the 200-milligram caffeine limit suggested as a guideline for pregnancy. 

Myth: Flying is a no-no in the third trimester

For the majority of pregnant women with low-risk pregnancies, flying is fine at any given time, with given approval from their doctor, but many airlines operate with a 37-week cutoff, as you could technically go into labor at any moment during that period.

Myth: Pregnancy is eating for two

During pregnancy, women simply need to focus on healthy and nutritious eating, and pregnant women need only 300 extra calories per day. If you actually eat for two people, you will put on an unhealthy amount of weight, which will increase your risk of gestational diabetes, back pain, high blood pressure and the possibility of having a Caesarean section because your child will be too big

Myth: Exercise can be strenuous

Even doctors advise pregnant women to enjoy regular exercise at short intervals. In fact, women who stay active during pregnancy tend to have an easy birth and less chance of postpartum depression and better sleep than those who do not. Walking, swimming, low-impact exercises and cycling are some good exercises for pregnant women.

Myth: Back pain is unavoidable

Lower back pain during pregnancy is due to weight gain, posture changes, and muscle relaxation, but can be cured easily if you maintain the right posture to stand by keeping the spine straight. Yoga helps in relieving this nagging condition.

Myth: Avoid having pets at home

Many say that you should stay away from pets during pregnancy. Again this is just a myth that you cannot keep a cat or dog when you are pregnant since they can help reduce stress and bring a smile to your face. For e.g., if you have a cat at home, keep in mind, not to change the litter box for the cat during pregnancy, because of the risk of toxoplasmosis from cat waste that is full of millions of parasites.

Myth: Avoid hot water showers

Taking a lukewarm bath for a short time, for instance, five minutes is safe, but the long hot bath is something to avoid during pregnancy. Sitting in a hot bath for a long time can lower blood pressure and increase the risk of dizziness.

Myth: Eating cheese is dangerous

It is not true as only unpasteurized cheese including feta cheese, white cheese, and goat cheese can be harmful to pregnant women. Pasteurized cheese for e.g. cheddar cheese is entirely safe for consumption in pregnancy.

