Skin Pigmentation: Disproving Popular Beliefs

We have all faced issues like hyperpigmentation, melasma and appearance of brown or dark spots that make our otherwise radiant complexion seem blotchy.

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On top of that, the constant buzz about new and must-have products, the advent of anti-aging creams and liquids for both men and women, and skin-care advice from every corner has made it even harder to choose the right method to nourish our skin.

It is important to be able to separate the hype from reality, and also to be able to well utilize the advancements in medical science that can greatly delay signs of aging or skin pigmentation. This is why we bring to you a comprehensive list of nine facts about skin pigmentation that will help you debunk any myths related to skin pigmentation, that come your way.

  1. The effectiveness of your sunscreen is not directly proportional to its SPF value

Most of us check the SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of a sunscreen before applying it on our skin, however, what we don’t know is that there are three kinds of ultraviolet rays – UVA, UVB and UVC that cause damage to our skin, and our sunscreen offers protection only from one. This is why, next time while picking your sunscreen check if it has SPF at least above 15, along with one of the following ingredients – oxybenzone, mexoryl, avobenzone (Parsol 1789) or titanium dioxide, for complete protection.

  1. Your diet can play a role in enriching your skin

Many medical researchers have identified that having a diet rich with colored fruits and vegetables, Vitamin A and antioxidants, can help you build a healthy core, which will in-turn improve the circulation of blood in your body and support in flushing out toxins and other wastes. All this directly impacts the radiance of your skin and helps in battling skin pigmentation problems.

  1. Sunscreen can protect your skin even when there is no sunlight

With increasing pollution in the atmosphere and depletion of the ozone layer, more harmful ultraviolet rays are reaching the Earth, causing more skin damages. Since, the primary reason for skin pigmentation is sun exposure, you need to apply sunscreen on both the cloudy days, as well as on days that you plan to stay indoors, to stay protected.

  1. Scrubbing your face with soap or face wash can cause skin damage

While you may think that you are cleaning your face off the spots and pigmentation, however, scrubbing your skin with soap can actually remove the protective oils and barriers in your skin that keep it acne free, and may even cause rashes and burns. A good idea is to use a gentle cleanser followed by a moisturizer or sunscreen to keep your skin healthy and nourished.

  1. Quality of skin care products cannot be determined by their prices

If by using expensive moisturizers and sunscreen for your skin, you believe that you can control pigmentation, be rest assured that – like in all other cases – price does not guarantee quality. In fact, many dermatologists recommend using mass-market products, easily available at your nearby local store. So next time, don’t shy away from using less expensive products in the guilt of not doing justice to your skin!

  1. Your emotional well-being has a great impact on your skin

Psychological problems leading to acne has become a common phenomenon today. In fact, according to medical study, factors such as stress, that increase cortisol levels in your body, can lead to over activity of the oil gland, making your skin more vulnerable to get acne. Adequate sleep, balanced diet, enough water intake – are all factors that determine your emotional health, and play a major role in determining the healthiness of your skin.

  1. Skin pigmentation is an issue for both men and women alike

While skin pigmentation problems, such as Melasma, are more common among women, men are equally susceptible to suffering the same.  Since the most likely source of skin pigmentation is over-production of melanin in the skin caused by harmful sun rays, men are equally likely to develop this and should not shy away from approaching a dermatologist or seeking help for skin problems. In fact, men have an added advantage — shaving daily is an exfoliating process in itself.

  1. Use of make-up does not harm your skin

Many of us refrain from applying make-up because we believe that it can cause damage to our skin. However, medical experts say that if you are using good quality products, even continuous and long-term use of make-up will not damage the natural oils and texture of your skin. The key here is to ensure that you purchase the right products, apply them correctly, ensure that they are suitable for your skin type and remove them efficiently.

  1. Skin pigmentation caused due to pregnancy is treatable

If correctly diagnosed, pigmentation can be successfully treated today with advanced medical technology like laser treatments, chemical peels using glycolic acids and use of lightening creams in various combinations. However, you need to be very careful while opting for a surgery or treatment by choosing your doctor carefully, as a wrong treatment may also worsen the initial problem!

