Categories 3.3.337 ADO Belly fat

Tips To Reduce Belly Fat

Fat around the abdomen not only makes us feel ugly but also it has certain negative effects on our health. 

[the_ad id=”6287″]Risks that are associated with obesity especially belly fat are-

  • Metabolism meltdown- Belly fat slows down the metabolism furthermore increasing obesity
  • Abdominal fat is strongly linked with type 2 diabetes
  • People with belly fat are more prone to cardiovascular diseases
  • May cause malfunctioning of the liver (fatty liver) in long-term

So it is indeed necessary to reduce belly fat. The biggest trouble with the abdominal fat is its stubborn nature, so how can we lose belly fat?

Well, here are few tips to reduce belly fat

  • Avoid sugar as much as possible- Consuming sugar just adds to extra and hidden calories that aid to abdominal fat.
  • Exercise-Apart from regular cardio, we need to do part specific exercises. To reduce belly fat few effective exercises are- plank, crunches, running, swimming, cycling, etc.
  • Avoid salt- Salt promotes water retention in our body, which ultimately leads to obesity and abdominal fat. Thus reduce the quantity of salt from your diet as much as possible.
  • Eat more protein- Protein needs a longer time to process; this slow digestion makes us feel satisfied and full for a longer period.
  • No to alcohol- Consuming alcohol affects our metabolism and also makes us feel bloated. So it is better to avoid it or consume in the least possible measure.
  • Eat fibrous diet- It keeps our stomach full for a long time and cut short the extra calories.

