Mindful Health

Today we are racing ahead of time, are under constant stress of achieving more and bigger things. 

[the_ad id=”6158″]The aspiration to acquire things never ends and it seems like one endless battle for more and more and more! If our ancestors were alive today what advice would they give us to recover from our constant battle with disease and stress?

To truly live a life without disease and fear one must aspire to achieve perfect health in mind, body and spirit.
Ever wondered about all the things we think about and ponder about every single day we live. The random thoughts that just seem to be there, even while we appear to be absorbed in our day-to-day activities. We never seem to realize the power of our thoughts and how these thoughts then translate into our actions towards others. Good or bad, these thoughts do manifest into real things.  Did you know that all diseases – be it high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, overweight, chronic fatigue, depression, burnt-out syndrome and psychiatric illness – manifest from the mind?

Life is but an endless series of little details, actions, speeches, and thoughts. And the consequences whether good or bad of even the least of them are far-reaching. There has been significant scientific research, which directs us to this fact.  For instance, ulcers happen to people who are compulsive and obsessive in nature. Impotence and sexual problems are almost always due to performance anxiety and accidents happen most often to people who are habitually prone to them because they are absent minded. One must then thus conclude that if we could control our mind or even make an attempt to be aware of our thoughts or thinking pattern, we can change our overall wellbeing. Thinking of disease constantly will intensify it. Feel always ‘I am healthy in body and mind’.

You may now ask how you can control the mind… the answer is meditate, think good positive thoughts and visualize positive things and events. Your positive thoughts will manifest into positive actions and feeling towards others and you will naturally gravitate towards or attract like-minded kind souls that mean well into your life. Be compassionate, generous and have empathy for people in need. Set aside some time everyday to sit in silence and thank for all that you have in your life and focus on your natural breath. In time as you sit into meditation, the racing thoughts will subside and you will feel light and have a feeling of bliss.

