Trouble with Erectile Dysfunction? Let Us Help You!

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a disorder that is characterized by failing to get an erection for a satisfactory intercourse. This condition is more common than you think. Although you may find it hard or sometimes even embarrassing about the condition, ED could be indicative of more serious health issues such as heart disease (mainly clogged arteries).

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Think of Erectile Dysfunction if,

  • An erection sometimes, but not every time you want to have sex 
  • Get an erection, but it does not last long enough for fulfilling intercourse
  • You don’t get an erection at any time

In the first place Most commonly, urologists can help with your ED.

You are more likely to have Erectile Dysfunction if you are,

  • Older
  • Taking certain medications (hypertensives, anti-depressants, or sedatives)
  • Affected by nerve complications of diabetes
  • Having a physical and emotional stress
  • Overweight
  • A smoker

Although older people tend to have ED, it is not a part of the aging process.

Certain complications of Erectile Dysfunction include:

  • Unfulfilled sex life
  • Relationship problems
  • Unable to get your partner pregnant
  • Anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem

It is also important to note that anxiety and depression can also cause ED.

Accordingly deciding to be treated for the condition is entirely up to you. However If the cause of ED is the medications you are taking, your doctor will work along with you to change your prescriptions to reverse the ED. In other cases, he may refer you to other specialists with suggested alternatives to your medication. In addition, the doctor will recommend that you make certain lifestyle modifications such as:

  • Quitting smoking
  • Limiting the intake of alcohol
  • Quitting the use of illegal drugs
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight and
  • Increased physical activity

Above all Usually If you are experiencing psychological issues, you will benefit from counseling sessions with a therapist or psychiatrist. Surgical options include inflatable implants or blood vessel reconstruction that can increase the blood flow for a better erection. However, these should be your last resort.


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