What’s Keeping You Up at Night?

Many people have Sleep Problems and often complain about work pressure or some such pressure and blame their lack of sleep on that.

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Sleeping for fewer hours than necessary, or having bad-quality sleep, can lower your productivity. But truthfully speaking, cultivating health sleep habits is under your control. Here are a few tips for healthy and restful sleep.

Limit caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco

Limiting the intake of caffeinated drinks such as energy drinks, sodas, chocolate, or coffee itself before bedtime can help you get sound sleep and helps from sleep problems. This is because caffeine is a stimulant and will only serve to keep you up longer. In the same way, tobacco users need to refrain from consuming tobacco close to bedtime. 

Have a sleep routine

Your sleeping habits will determine whether you become restless or have restful sleep. Make sure to have a set pattern, such as going to sleep around the same time and waking up around the same time every day. This will help activate your internal clock, which will ensure that you get a good night’s sleep.

Light is your friend

Another great way to activate that internal clock is to set your room up to let some morning light in. This regulates your waking-up time and ensures that you adhere to your sleep schedule and helps from sleep problems. Besides this, make sure to go out of your office or house during the day and soak up the sunlight!

Set your room up to induce sleep

Yes, move those electronics out! Ensure there are no TVs, tablets, and phones in your sleep area. Let your drapes and walls be of bright colors, and set the room temperature to a cool 22-25 degrees Celsius. Use your bedroom only for sleep and sex, and keep pets out of your bedroom. This brings about a better association between your bedroom and sleep.

Sleep when you are really tired

Trying to fall asleep can be frustrating. If you do not fall asleep within half an hour of going to bed, leave the room and engage in a relaxing activity, like reading or listening to music, until you feel drowsy. Refrain from watching TV or reading on your phone or tablet. This can affect your sleep and can cause sleep problems.

‘Early to bed, and early to rise’ should be your new mantra for getting the recommended 7-8 hours of restful sleep!




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