Why are Medical Screening Tests Important?

An important part of preventive healthcare, a medical screening test is used to detect potential diseases or health

[the_ad id=”6114″]disorders in those people who don’t have any symptom of the disease. The main goal of screening tests is the early detection of the disease in order to reduce the possible risk and to treat the disease most effectively. Here’s a list of the health tests that everyone should undertake as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Essential screening tests for everyone:

  1. Complete Blood Count (CBC): It is used to diagnose anemia, infections, certain types of cancer, and so on. It’s especially important for Indian women as they tend to suffer from iron deficiency anemia and may require supplementation. If the CBC is okay, it may be repeated once a year
  2. Blood Pressure Test: A reading below 120/80 is ideal. If the reading is normal, get tested the next year
  3. Blood Sugar Test: Done after a 12-hour fasting period, this helps detect diabetes. In cases of pre-diabetes and diabetes, an additional test, HbA1C, that indicates the average blood sugar levels over the previous 3 months is done. An annual testing is recommended if the reading is normal
  4. Lipid Profile: It is an accurate indicator of your heart health, this blood test measures the total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL levels. Testing once in 2 years is recommended for people with normal readings
  5. ECG Test: Recommended after age 35, an electrocardiogram (ECG) test is, checks for the risk of heart disease. If the report is normal, it can be repeated annually
  6. Liver Function Test: This is done annually to screen for liver conditions, such as alcohol-induced liver damage, fatty liver, Hepatitis C and B
  7. Urine Analysis: It checks for the presence of proteins, sugar and blood (especially in smokers who are at high risk for bladder cancer) in the urine sample, which could indicate kidney disease, among other conditions. If the reports normal, get tested the next year
  8. Kidney Function Test: A high reading of serum creatinine may indicate impaired kidney function
  9. Thyroid Function Tests: These blood tests are important in detecting underactive (hypothyroidism) or overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism). In case of normal findings, once-a-year testing is recommended
  10. Vitamin D Deficiency Test: An extremely common condition, Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of bone loss and osteoporosis in later years, among other things
  11. Pap Smear Test (For Women): It can catch pre-cancerous changes in the cervix, and is recommended for every sexually-active woman after age 21
  12. Mammogram (For Women): This breast cancer screening is recommended every two years

Do remember that all lab reports need to be reviewed by a trained physician as, what may be normal for one person may not be for another, depending on their overall health condition.

Keep in mind, that awareness and disease prevention via screening tests can save you from plenty of health disorders later.
