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8 Easy Yoga Poses That Aid Weight Loss

Can yoga help you lose weight? The answer is yes. 

[the_ad id=”6153″] As long as you practice yoga, get the poses right and keep a healthy diet, it will definitely help in losing the extra weight. If done under the supervision of a yoga expert, yoga can actually get you back in shape but it takes time and patience, of course. The secret to weight loss here is to stay focused and motivated throughout the process & to do the right things. It is a slow process but it is long lasting.
Below are some of the poses that work wonders while you are on your path to weight loss:

1. Surya Namaskar

The 12-step Surya Namaskar, often called as the sun salutation is done as a warm-up routine, which might vary according to the person who is practicing the pose. It affects the muscles in the whole body and when done regularly, it helps in managing the weight effectively. It consists of 12 asanas which combine to constitute the Surya Namaskar.

2. Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)

In this asana, the body weight rests on the thighs due to the forward bend. This pose strengthens the arms, shoulders, thighs and back muscles, all in one go. The major benefit is that it helps stimulate the functioning of abdominal organs which leads to better digestion and regulation of the nutrients in our body. It contributes to healthy weight management.

3. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Just as the name suggests, it resembles the pose as that of a cobra with the hood raised. It opens up the shoulder, chest and neck. This also expands the chest hence opening up the lungs. Due to this, breathing and the overall blood circulation is improved. Stress and fatigue are also reduced & this pose tones the abdomen muscles too. Thus, helping burn fat more easily.

4. Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana)

This is one of the beginner’s most friendly asanas. This yoga asana not only works up the core muscle areas of the body that are abdomen, chest and lower back but also strengthens the wrist and hands. For men or women having problems in the neck, this pose strengthens and lengthens the neck muscles. Just like the asana before, this also strengthens the abdominal muscles which is a big plus while on a course of losing weight.

5. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

This is one of the advanced yoga poses that helps lose fat. It may look intimidating in the beginning but the user may do it as far as he/she is comfortable stretching. It doesn’t need you to have great flexibility in order to see the benefits of this yoga asana. It tones up the arms and the legs along with cutting down the accumulated fat. When we are in the pose and breathe in, breathe out, it massages our internal organs and digestive tract. This facilitates digestion and with the help of proper diet, weight loss can be done.

6. Side Bends

Most of the people develop fat on the sides around the abdomen area. This yoga asana helps to loosen up that stubborn fat as wells as tone arms and legs. You can also use dumbbells to increase the weight to increase the effectiveness of this yoga asana.

7. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

This yoga posture tones the entire body especially the thighs. It  can be benefits of yoga, yoga for weight loss, yoga classesused to improve the stamina and strength throughout the body. This is a great way of toning shoulders, hips, back and butt. Most importantly, it tones your digestive organs and heart. Being in this pose for several seconds  makes heart beat faster, stimulates the metabolic and circulatory system. The heart pumps faster and plenty of heat is built up. These factors facilitate the process of weight loss in the body.

8. Boat Pose (Navasana)

It is a very good pose as it is a complete stretching exercise. Along with stretching the abdominal muscles, it also tones all the important organs in the abdomen too. yoga, yoga for weight loss, importance of yogaWhen combined with right breathing, one can lose several inches. Problems related to pancreas, liver, kidney etc can also be treated and helped with. Due to the suitable stretching and massaging of the abdominal region, the belly fat can be burned if the yoga asana is done on a regular basis. It also reduces the fat around the waist hence giving you a slim and toned figure.


Practicing yoga will get you relief from your medical condition, make you feel rejuvenated and have an improved quality of life. Experience a healthier, happier living with reduced anxiety, increased exercise tolerance and more energy.

