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6 Superfoods That Are Superheroes In Disguise

For many a millennium, these unsung, unrelenting, super foods have been aiding our body in their big little ways. From the protein-packed savior to the fiber-filled defender, meet the alter egos of some of the most popular super foods throughout the history of humankind.

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  1. Captain Shell a.k.a Egg
    • Superpower: Protein Surge
    • Effect of superpower: Helps in the growth, maintenance, and repair of tissues
    • Nutritional prowess: Protein: 13.3 gms – Fats: 13.3 gms – Carbohydrates: 0 gms *per 100 gms
    • Eggs hold a special place in the realm of super foods because of their superior nutritional value. Consuming one can give your body an instantaneous surge of protein. 
  2. Equilibrium a.k.a Banana
    • Superpower: Potassium Punch
    • Effect of superpower: Helps balance body fluids and regulates muscle contractions
    • Nutritional prowess: Protein – 1.2 g – Fats: 0.3 g – Carbohydrates: 27.2 g *per 100 gms
    • When it comes to bananas, there’s no holding back! Peel one open for a more-than-substantial punch of potassium.
  3. Shatterproof a.k.a Broccoli
    • Superpower: Calcium Shield
    • Effect of superpower: Strengthens bones and teeth
    • Nutritional prowess: Protein – 2.8 g – Fats: 0.4 g – Carbohydrates: 7 g *per 100 gms
    • Gifted with plentiful amounts of calcium, broccoli helps shield your bones and teeth from deterioration.
  4. Professor Nut a.k.a Walnut
    • Superpower: Power Boost
    • Effect of superpower: Helps improve brain power
    • Nutritional prowess: Protein – 15.6 g – Fats: 64.5 g – Carbohydrates: 11 g *per 100 gms
    • Considered a brain food, and not just due to aesthetic reasons, research suggests a link between walnuts and a boost in brain functioning.
  5. Commander Spore a.k.a Mushroom
    • Superpower: Fiber Flush
    • Effect of superpower: Helps in maintaining digestive health
    • Nutritional prowess: Protein – 1.1 g – Fats: 0.3 g – Carbohydrates: 3.3 g *per 100 gms
    • Known to crop up almost anywhere, habitat has never been a concern for mushrooms, and are filled with the benefits of fiber.
  6. Dr. Clove a.k.a Garlic
    • Superpower: Sulfur Fix
    • Effect of superpower: Medicinal benefits
    • Nutritional prowess: Protein – 6.36 g – Fats: 0.5 g – Carbohydrates: 35 g *per 100 gms
    • Garlic is known to have an ensemble of medicinal properties owing to the sulfur compounds attained from it.


While these super foods come packed with a multitude of superpowers, the key to a nutritionally sound diet lies in balance and moderation.


Disclaimer: Apologies to all the other super foods we may have missed mentioning!



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