6 Tips to Improve Your Child’s Mental Health

Statistics have shown that one in 10 children between the age of 5 and 16 can suffer from problems related to mental health.

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At times it becomes too late by when we are aware of the situation.

Here are a few tips that can help your child stay fit mentally.

What children eat can affect their mood. There is a direct link between our diet and our brain chemistry. A wholesome and balanced diet is very much necessary for the children to stay healthy not only physically but also mentally.



Exercising is key to maintaining a fit body. The fact is that it also plays a role in keeping your mind emotionally stable. Studies have shown that a proper workout can create a balance in our brain by releasing hormones that make you feel good. Exercise helps in reducing depression and anxiety. It also plays a role in maintaining a proper sleeping pattern, raising your self-esteem and also sharpening your memory. It is very important that we teach our children the importance and necessity of physical activity.