Menopause Foods

What To Eat And What To Avoid?

The hormonal imbalance during menopause causes adverse effects in a woman’s body including hot flashes, irritability, depression etc.

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Food plays a significant role in helping you through the situation.

Find below a list of food you should be eating, along with a list of foods you should avoid. 

Food to eat

During this period, your body’s capacity to absorb calcium reduces. You can compensate this by increasing your intake of calcium-rich foods like almonds, fish, milk etc.

The natural phytoestrogens in soy products assist in countering hormonal imbalance.

3.Omega 3 fatty acids
Cod liver oil and salmon fish are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Consuming them helps you balance the effects of hot flashes and anxiety.

4.Fibre-rich products
Your blood glucose and cholesterol levels will be affected during this period. Fiber-rich food helps you maintain them in the normal range.

Foods to be avoided

1.Baked food
Being rich in saturated fat and sugar, baked food aggravates the symptoms of menopause. It is better to avoid them for a while.

Caffeine does not do much harm when limited to a cup or two a day. It would be better to use herbal tea as an alternative to caffeine.

Avoiding alcohol as a whole would do a lot of good to your health. Specifically, during menopause it aggravates symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats.

4.Processed Foods
Processed food have a high content of sodium in them. Increased sodium intake causes water retention in your blood. This is not advisable under the circumstances.
