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6 Effective Ways To Control High Blood Pressure

When the force of the blood pushing against the wall of the blood vessel is consistently too high, the phenomenon is called high blood pressure or hypertension. Hypertension is often called a “silent killer” because it most often does not show any symptoms of its elevated pressure.  However, if it is not diagnosed and treated at the right time, it can lead to severe diseases such as heart attack, heart failure, stroke, kidney problems and even vision loss.

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There is no absolute cure once you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, but it is imperative to understand that medications and lifestyle changes can help you maintain the disease before the onset of more serious complications. 

Here are some doable tips that can help you manage high blood pressure:

Take it easy on the salt

Having too much salt can increase your overall blood volume and therefore lead to high blood pressure. Avoid processed foods as it contains a lot of salt. Also, try to use herbs and other spices to add flavor to your food instead of using salt. Keep your sodium intake under 10.98 gm per day.

Try to lose the extra weight

Keep in mind that blood pressure and weight go hand in hand. When you’re overweight, your heart must work harder to pump blood to a larger body mass. This, in turn, increases your blood pressure. Thus, being overweight is a high-risk factor for hypertension.

Quit smoking

This one is a no-brainer. Smoking is bad for your health. Period! Cigarette smoke not only damages the inner lining of arteries but also makes it harder for them to relax. This increases the overall pressure in the arteries

Practice healthy eating

Try eating clean or follow the DASH diet. The latter, also known as Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension is specially designed to lower your blood pressure. The diet involves eating vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products. While you’re on this diet, you need to cut back on sugary foods, processed foods, red meats, and full-fat dairy products.

Physical activity is a must

Get moving! Set a goal to exercise at least half an hour for 5 days a week. But it does not mean you burden yourself with an activity you don’t like. Pick a workout that you like. For instance, you can go for brisk walking, cycling, or even dancing. Engaging in regular physical can improve the function of your heart and improves the elasticity of your blood vessels thereby improving blood flow.

Don’t stress

Did you know that even stress can temporarily cause your blood pressure to rise? If you have a stressful life, your pressure can be up for a longer period. Therefore, you must find ways to relieve that stress. Deep breathing, meditation or yoga have proven to be helpful in stress relief. They can calm you down instantly. If these are not your cup of tea, you can go for any activity (painting, gardening, writing or reading) that helps you soothe your nerves



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