Reasons Why You Should Be Losing Those Extra Pounds

A lot of us today, are struggling to manage our weight.  

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For most, the reason to lose weight is to look good, feel confident, fit in that ‘dream dress’- these reasons aren’t wrong, however there is much more to weight loss than just looking good. It comes with numerous benefits that will help your well being and health.

In this blog, we will discuss some major benefits of losing weight. These benefits include a good health, behavior, confidence and most important your life expectancy. 

  1. It keeps you away from diseases:
    You must know very well that balanced weight plays a great role in preventing many diseases. Being overweight invites plenty of chronic diseases. Lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, heart disease & cancer can be caused by excess weight. Your joints are equally important which might get affected due to heavy body weight. Similarly, your spine may also be adversely affected by overweight causing backache. The best part to weight loss is that you can get rid of your joint pains or lifestyle diseases and your body is going to thank you for the same.
  2. It keeps you away from muscle damage:
    In order to build your muscle mass, you need to keep your weight in limits to avoid any hindrance. Obesity may even lead to muscle damage if not controlled.
  3. It is essential for bone health:
    Excess weight may further result in weak bones. According to some experts, bone density is somewhere affected by obesity resulting in high risk of fractures.
  4. It keeps your hormones in place:
    A healthy weight assists in balancing your hormone levels & their functioning. Being overweight can disturb your hormone functioning further resulting in disturbed sleep, mental exertion, irritation, tiredness etc. Losing weight will help you in giving a positive approach towards life. 
  5. It ensures optimum lung function:
    A balanced weight helps to breathe easily. Excess weight causes labored breathing & may reduce your lung volumes. In such situation, you won’t be able to perform your daily activities properly especially while doing any physical activity.
  6. It makes sure your digestive system works well:
    Obese people generally have problems with their digestion & may suffer from GERD, acidity, heart burn etc.
  7. It regulates or controls your unhealthy cravings:
    Weight gain usually occurs when you don’t have any control on your appetite and go for too much of junk food. Once you start losing your weight, your desires for sweets, unhealthy snacks etc. also goes down simultaneously. You will also start relishing fruits and vegetables
  8. It is essential to maintain a good immune system:
    Maintaining a healthy weight can boost your immune system that will protect you from acute infections, cold, cough etc. and help you in leading a healthy life.
  9. It maintains the wear and tear of the body:
    A healthy and balance weight helps you recover from any major injury, post operative recovery or even during & after child birth. Thus, losing weight makes you enjoy every aspect of life.
  10. It keeps you away from the risk of life threatening diseases:
    As we have already discussed that losing weight prevents various lifestyle diseases. Once you lose weight, you get rid of your hypertension to a large extent. If we pay attention, our organs work in a harmonious way. If one is affected, it will create a burden on other organs. Like hypertension may cause several cardiac diseases. It may even lead to blood clots or stroke.

We are sure now you are convinced enough to lose weight. So go ahead and shed those extra pounds. However remember everything should be done in moderation, losing a lot of weight in a short span of time can be harmful for the body. Thus it is best if its done under the guidance of a qualified medical practitioner or a nutritionist. Each one’s body type is different and thus the amount of weight loss required differs according to your body type. Stick to a diet plan or a exercise regime suited to your needs and not something that you find from the internet.

Stay healthy and stay safe!

