6 Amazing Benefits of Consuming Flax Seeds

Flaxseeds, also known as linseeds (or ‘alsi’ in Hindi) are small, brown, tan or golden-colored seeds which are rich in

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fiber, vitamins, calcium, protein content and other nutrients.  Flax seeds also have preventive properties that have the potential to safeguard you from numerous health problems.

Further, they also contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a mostly plant-based omega-3 fatty acid. Since ALA is one of the two essential fatty acids that your body does not produce, it becomes all the more essential to take it orally, from the food you eat.

Generally, 1 – 2 tablespoons of flax seeds are enough for your body. Alternatively, you can also consume flax seed oil to prepare your food or use it as a salad dressing. Some of the other convenient options of consuming flax seeds include – adding them to your bowl of yogurt, milk or smoothies, or using the powder as a grain-free flour substitute.

There are hundreds of health benefits that consumption of Flax seeds can provide you. Below are some of the topmost to encourage you to start including Flax seeds in your daily diet immediately!

Improves Brain Health

Since flax seeds are one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids, they become excellent options for vegetarians, non-vegetarians and even vegans, to adopt for improving their brain health. According to numerous nutrition studies, omega-3 fatty acids have been strongly linked to development and functioning of your brain.

In fact, it has been determined that a deficiency in fatty acid can lead to brain deformities and alterations in the structure and functioning of membranes. In infants, a lack of fatty acids in the body can also impact visual and cerebral abilities. Amongst adults, it has been identified that omega-3 supplementation provides a mild protective effect against the development of age-related cognitive impairment.

Promotes Weight Loss

The soluble fibre content in flax seeds leads to the formation of mucilage gum that can help suppress hunger by delaying the emptying of food from your stomach. This helps you ‘feel full’ for a longer time than usual, and supports your weight loss regime. Additionally, flax seeds have a low content of carbohydrates, which again helps in promoting weight loss.

However, remember to only consume ground flax seeds and not the whole seeds, as the whole seeds pass through your digestive system without being digested and may not provide you with necessary benefits.

Point to Note: You should grind the flax seeds in your coffee grinder before consuming them, as the flax oil present in the seeds starts to oxidize immediately after getting in contact with the air.

Helps in Skin Care

Through ancient civilizations, flax seeds have been used as a ‘natural way’ to enhance skin radiance and glow. The high content of omega-3 fatty acids in the seeds, help in skin healing, along with having the ability to cure skin irritation, tissue inflammation, and redness. Additionally, it also works well for skin problems like rosacea, dermatitis, acne, and psoriasis.

Furthermore, the moisturizing effect of flax seeds can also help you avoid a dull-looking skin, and contains anti-oxidants which prevent or slow down the oxidative damage. In fact, a deficiency of essential fatty acids can lead to a scaly skin and inefficient skin wound healing.

Improves Digestion

Apart from being an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, flax seeds also contain soluble and insoluble fiber, that helps in digestion, and prevents constipation. Moreover, they also contribute to digestive regularity by lubricating your system.

However, it is important to consume flax seeds in the right amount. While it may help in reducing inflammatory bowel diseases and maintaining a healthy digestive tract, if you are taking excessive amounts of flax seeds, then you need to consume enough water to supplement it.

Assists in Lowering ‘Bad Cholesterol’

Numerous studies have shown that people who incorporate flax seeds into their daily diet have an improved lipid profile and plasma glucose levels. This, in turn, helps in maintaining the cholesterol level in your body. Additionally, flax seeds also improve vascular relaxation responses,  that may reduce the chance for all kinds of cardiovascular conditions in your body.

In one of the studies, participants suffering from chronic high cholesterol were given three slices of bread containing flaxseed, along with 15 grams of ground flax seeds per day. When examined after three months, it was found out that the exercise of daily consumption of flax seeds helped in lowering of ‘bad cholesterol’, along with reducing the tendency of blood clot formation in their bodies.

Helps in Maintaining Blood Pressure

Due to the synergistic action of the flax seed compounds, these seeds significantly help in lowering of blood pressure levels, especially amongst hypertensive patients. According to a recent research, taking flax seeds daily for more than three months can lower the blood pressure by 2 mmHg, thereby reducing the risk of dying from a stroke by 10% and from heart disease by 7%. For those who are already taking blood pressure medication, flax seeds can further help in lowering blood pressure levels.

So, start including flax seed in your diet now!

