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10 Useful Tips To Survive Cold And Flu

It is that time of the year again when the monsoons are here. 

[the_ad id=”6114″]This is also the time when people tend to get sick the most, what with the incessant rains and the weather wreaking havoc on our health. Wouldn’t we want to be adequately prepared to combat the erratic season and the health complications it brings along? Read on to know some simple tips on how we can tackle the cold and flu season effectively:

1. Watch what you touch: Keep a hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes with you at all times. Workspace surfaces, like desks and doorknobs are teeming with bacteria and germs from other people’s contact, so make sure to wipe down anything you touch frequently. Keep your hands clean by washing them regularly, or using a sanitizer.

2. Eat right: Avoid the roadside snacks which are often made using oil of questionable quality, and instead opt for freshly-cooked, homemade food. Be sure to include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet as they are the natural weapons for combating the effects of cold and flu.

3. Spend some time outdoors: Being cooped up indoors all day, especially with someone already down with cold and flu, can considerably increase your chances of falling ill as well. Go outdoors, and, better yet, engage in some light to moderate exercise while you’re at it. Your body will thank you for it.

4. Avoid touching your nose, eyes and lips: In spite of all the precautions that you might take to keep your hands clean, there is always the risk of getting bogged down, as your eyes, ears, nose and mouth are the most common areas through which germs enter the body.

5. Drink adequate liquids: Keep your body clean and flush out the toxins by drinking plenty of liquids like water, green tea, soup, fruit juices and hot liquids that can also help ease the sore throat.

6. Keep distance: Avoid close contact or being near people who are ill. If you happen to be near a person who has just sneezed or coughed, breathe out gently till you are at least 10 feet away from that person. This will prevent the germs from that person entering into your body.

7. Vaccinate yourself: Protect yourself by getting a flu vaccine so your body is equipped with antibodies needed to fight the different strains of flu and virus.

8. Have Honey: Honey is a known antimicrobial agent, and its thick consistency helps soothe a sore throat and provides instant relief.

9. Don’t pop in antibiotics: Cold and flu are caused by viruses, not bacteria. Antibiotics will not do you any good as they are effective only against bacteria. They’ll only end up killing the good bacteria in your body, and aren’t free from side-effects either.

10. Rinse your nose: Clean out your nostrils with boiled and cooled salt water, or a nasal irrigator. This will help clear out the viral particles which contribute towards that nauseating and irritating feeling of cold and flu.

There are many more tips to become battle-ready in your fight against the effects of cold and flu, and like the ones mentioned above, are all easy to follow. Just be aware of your surroundings and watch what you eat and touch, as a start!

