Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Bloating

Do you experience a sudden abdominal pain accompanied with an increased growling in your stomach, nausea, and vomiting?

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 Have you lost weight all of a sudden unintentionally? If you nodded along worriedly, then you might be suffering from serious bloating hazards. And, if you are wondering what exactly bloating is and how to get rid of it, then think no further! Just scroll down to get all your answers.

What Is Bloating?

Bloating is a discomforting swelling or increase in the area of your abdomen. It makes you feel tight in abdomen with a feel of growling in the stomach. Some of the common symptoms of bloating are fatigue, stomach pain, gas, digestive problems, weight loss, skin rashes, and fever. And, you need to treat it effectively with natural remedies to have long-lasting and effective results. So, let’s have a look at them.

Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Bloating:

Eat Pumpkin:

Pumpkin is low in sugar and starch and high in potassium and vitamin A, so it helps in reducing your bloating hazards. Besides this, pumpkin is a great source of fiber and water which aids better digestion.

  • Make sure you include one cup of fresh pumpkin to your regular meals and you will experience easy digestion and minimized gas hazards.
  • Also, you can steam it or add it to your daily salads.

Drink Peppermint Tea:

Drinking peppermint tea reduces your gas pains and soothes your disturbed stomach. Menthol in its essential oil offers your digestive track antispasmodic effect that soothes your digestive track. As it soothes your stomach and nerves, your stress and nervousness resulting due to bloating minimizes. Drink a cup of peppermint tea after your dinner every day.

Opt For Coriander:

The consumption of healthy coriander offers you a great relief from the bloating hazards resulting due to indigestion. It minimizes burning sensations and gas in your stomach.

  • Add one tsp of dried coriander leaves to a cup of boiling water and drink it to have  quick relief from bloating.
  • Also, add roasted coriander seeds to your glass of fresh buttermilk.

Have Plenty of Water:

Water is quintessential part of our life and it aids our body to digest the ingested food easily. So, if you are suffering from bloating, drinking ample amount of water throughout the day can help you get relief from gas.

  • Make sure you drink at least eight glasses of water every day. It helps treat bloating as well as constipation.

Do Exercises Regularly:

Along with dietary measures, you also need to perform exercises to get away from the hazards of bloating. Lifestyle habits including eating a lot, minimal movement and exercises are bound to make you suffer from digestion hazards and bloating. Regular exercise reduces flatulence. So, make sure you exercise for some time every day.

  • Go for a brisk walk every morning for 45 minutes
  • Jump 10 times in sets of 5 or 10
  • Swimming for ten minutes

Go For Anise Seeds:

Antispasmodic properties of anise seeds soothe your digestive tract and minimize the stomach cramps resulting due to bloating. Anise seeds also provide carminative effect that gives you a great relief from bloating problems. Their consumption relieves the accumulated gas and treats the abdominal swelling effectively.

Add one tsp of grounded anise seeds to a cup of boiled water, let it stay for ten minutes, strain it, and drink the solution to get away with bloating hazards. Drink it both before and after having your regular meals.

Incorporate Cinnamon In Your Diet:

Adding cinnamon, a popular spice, in your diet greatly helps in getting rid of the bloating discomfort and pain. It minimizes the pressure on your abdomen, promotes the passage of undesirable gas, and relieves bloating.

Prepare cinnamon tea by using either the sticks of cinnamon or its powder, add a dash of pure honey, and drink it. Add some honey and a half tsp of cinnamon powder to your cup of warm milk and drink it.

Consume Garlic:

Garlic, one of the most common cooking ingredients, is a highly effective natural remedy to treat bloating problems effectively. Adding garlic to your regular diet helps promote easy digestion and eliminates gas and bloating discomfort. It aids in breaking down the food that makes you suffer from bloating.

  • Make sure you drink fresh garlic soup as it helps reduce gas.
  • Add some ground garlic to water and heat it up for some minutes, add a little dark pepper and some cumin seeds to it, strain and cool it, and drink it every day.

Working professionals often end up indulging in junk food that is harmful in the long run. Due to their very high fat and carb content, they give a feeling of fullness and bloating.

