Super Spices to Lose Weight

Obesity is one of the major health problems in today’s modern life. People are always aspiring to lose excess weight

[the_ad id=”6085″]and getting back in shape. More often than not, obesity is linked to oxidative stress and diabetes; both factors contribute towards fat storage – while diabetes causes inflammation, oxidative stress is the harbinger of several diseases. Indeed, weight management becomes easier if insulin and blood sugar levels are stable. It can be even more effective when the digestive system works well. Cinnamon and Cumin are two spices often considered most effective in this regard because not only these spices help in blood sugar regulation but also in digestion, thus helping one to lose weight.

Cinnamon (dalchini) is considered as a superfood from ancient times. It has often been valued as gold. Cinnamon contains an antioxidant named polyphenol and other vital nutrients like calcium, iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C which is very important for maintaining good health. Several varieties of cinnamon are available in the market, but Ceylon’s cinnamon is generally considered the best and most effective. 

The benefits of cinnamon are innumerable, some of which are mentioned below:

  • Cinnamon acts on enzymes which help in slowing the digestion of carbohydrates. This is good for our bodies because we feel sated for a longer time, absorb nutrients effectively and reduce overeating.
  • It also lowers blood sugar spike post-meal by lowering the amount of sugar that enters the bloodstream.
  • It improves insulin sensitivity by regulating glucose transportation and absorption better. At the same time, it helps in drawing more energy from food hence, ensures less conversion of energy into fat for storage in the cells.
  • A healthy digestive system is important for weight reduction. Regular consumption of cinnamon encourages the digestive system to function properly. It soothes and calms the stomach and intestine by reducing gas and relieving flatulence. 
  • It also helps to reduce cellulite which is mainly observed in excess fatty areas of the body.

A study has found that the effect of cinnamon lasts for twelve hours, so only a small daily dose of cinnamon is enough for weight reduction. It is recommended that not more than 2.5 gm be consumed daily. 1/2 tsp of Ceylon cinnamon powder should be soaked overnight in a glass of water and consumed early morning on an empty stomach. Daily consumption helps in weight loss.

Cumin (jeera) is another magic spice. Just one teaspoon speeds up the process of burning body fat by three times. It contains many phytochemicals that are known to have antioxidant and anti-flatulent properties. It contains the essential oil cumin aldehyde, minerals like calcium, iron, copper potassium etc. which have myriad health benefits. 

The benefits of cumin for weight reduction include:

  • Cumin contains cumin aldehyde which activates the salivary gland in the mouth and improves digestion. It contains thymol which stimulates glands that secrete acids, bile and enzyme which aid in complete digestion. Better digestion increases metabolic rate and enhances weight reduction.
  • Stress and insomnia are related to the weight gain process. Cumin has a tranquilising effect which helps to relieve stress and anxiety that causes insomnia. 
  • Cumin improves metabolic rate and helps in proper utilisation of fat and sugar in the body. By improving the metabolic rate, it helps in weight reduction.
  • It contains antioxidants which have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, thereby helping to reduce inflammation-induced obesity.

Add cumin in water and keep it overnight. Drink this on an empty stomach every morning to get maximum benefits towards weight loss.

