Being Fit Today: Get Your Exercise On

In today’s modern, well-connected world, wellness and fitness are buzzwords. In fact, fitness programs have been available for

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 decades now. Back in the day, our ancestors lead an active lifestyle: their day-to-day activities provided enough exercise.

Today, as you may know, life is now on-the-go for most, but are we really moving our bodies? Are we getting out of that chair? Has knowing that exercise can help cut the risk of heart disease or that it improves your mind, been a motivation enough for you? We suppose not. 

More than 60% of the world’s population lead a sedentary lifestyle today, with very few engaging in an adequate physical activity, thus warranting daily exercise. What the world really needs, is an exercise and fitness routine that can complement existing routines. If it is minimal pressure on your time, your motivation to do comes a full circle!

Amazing exercises to do in just a few minutes: 

With the increasing pressures of daily life, not everybody can adopt a 45-minute bout of working out. You can instead do short bouts of the same throughout the day.

  • Instead of going for a 30-minute walk every morning, take ten minutes to climb the stairs at work; or walk from the metro station to your office.
  • Interval training is another great way to do so! Let’s say you are walking up a slope, that would constitute a period of intensity and go down the slope soon after constitutes for a period of rest. Interval training is very time-efficient and can help you obtain the same benefits as a regular fitness routine.
  • Other things that will take you 5-7 minutes to do include: a few reps of push-ups, squats, some stretching, jumping jacks, burpees

Exercise and fitness routines that also target your mind

While all exercises can ease some mental stress, it is true that some of them are designed especially to the target the mind. These include:

  • Taichi
  • Yoga

It is more advisable that you join classes for these, as your schedule permits. Even some weekend classes of once a week Yoga, Pilates, or Taichi is an excellent way to go!

What to keep in mind

  • Three to five times a week for benefits such as weight loss, mental relaxation, improved fitness, delayed aging and improved overall health
  • Pick a regimen you enjoy; it will help you stick to your exercise regimen for a longer time and eventually help make exercise a part of your lifestyle.
  • Remember that a combination of cardio, weight training, and flexibility exercises (yoga and Pilates) have the best effect on your mind, body, and soul.
