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Bedroom Plants for Better Sleep

Has turning and tossing on bed become a daily habit while you are trying to sleep at night? 

[the_ad id=”6114″] These sleepless nights not only hamper your daily productivity and energy level but also make you look dull and aged. A proper sleep is essential in leading a healthy and quality life. Indoor house plants are of great benefit when enhancing sleep is concerned. Keeping a plant in your bedroom can actually make you relax and help in dozing off. Sounds interesting, right?

Here is a list of some magic plants that helps in getting you better sleep.


Who doesn’t love the scent of lavender? Lavender is known to decrease rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep and increase light sleep. It is, in fact, the most well-known of all plants when it comes reducing anxiety levels and inducing sleep. According to Research, lavender scents are shown to slow down heart rate and also lower blood pressure and stress levels. Hence placing a beautiful lavender plant on your nightstand is a pretty good idea.

Jasmine plant

This exotic plant has a soothing and gentle effect on the mind and body. It reduces anxiety levels, leading to a greater quality of sleep and brings about increased alertness and productivity during the day! With such mesmerizing ivory blossoms, there seem to be no downsides to adding a jasmine bloom to your bed.

Snake plant

It is one of the most recommended plants for improving indoor air quality and inducing deep sleep. Snake plant is actually recommended as a great “filter” to improve the purity of oxygen in your room. Snake plant is a hardy and low maintenance plant. It also removes some nasty common household toxins such as trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, and benzene from the air.

Aloe Vera

This plant is a natural healer Aloe Vera can also detoxify the body. Moreover, Aloe can help eradicate polluting chemicals that are found in cleaning agents, thus purifying your air in the bedroom and the rest of your house. This in its own course helps to enhance good sleep. In fact, Aloe Vera is listed as one of NASA’s top air-quality enhancing plant. This fantastic plant works much like the snake plant – emitting oxygen at night, making for a more peaceful slumber. Keep it on your bedroom windowsill as it does need a lot of direct sunlight.

