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Benefits of Exercising in the Morning

There is no good or bad time to exercise. You just need a time of the day that is convenient and you can stick with.

[the_ad id=”6114″]Here, we will look at the advantages of a morning workout.

Exercising early in the morning offers a plethora of benefits – to your health as well as your daily schedule. It may seem like a task to get up early in the morning and requires quite some discipline. You need to be fully awake and not just move in a Zombie like state. With time, practice and patience, you can make morning exercise a habit.

  • If you are trying to do heavy lifting exercises such as a triset or a giant set, it could not be possible in a crowded gym in the evening. Going for an evening run? You may not experience the same breath of fresh morning air or clear roads. 
  • Your hormones (testosterone) are working to your advantage in the morning and are more elevated in the morning than in the late hours. 
  • If you get your workout done in the morning, you are left with the rest of the day to indulge in other activities and enjoy your evening. 
  • You could burn more fat while exercising on an empty stomach.   
  • You will be more focused at school, college or work and feel less stressed. 
  • You are likely to experience a lot of distractions in the evening that prevent you from getting your exercise such as a get together, fatigue or over time at work. Mornings offer few such distractions and you have all your energy intact. 
  • Exercise boosts your metabolic rate, allowing you to burn more calories for the rest of the day. This phenomenon is called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). 
  • Your mood improves with morning exercise as your body releases endorphins or the feel good hormones.
  • If you exercise in the morning, you actually develop an appetite for breakfast, making it less likely for you to skip breakfast. Also, you have this desire to eat healthy after a workout.

If you are not sure what time of the day suits best for your body, try exercising at different time of the day for different weeks and then determine which makes you feel better. What matters most is that you get your daily dose of exercise.

