Benefits of Papaya seeds

A part of the fruit that is thrown away more often than not, the papaya seeds have so many properties that are of

[the_ad id=”6114″]medical benefit for an individual. The nutrients in the seeds and green papaya have many positive effects on the body.

For the liver: The nutrients in papaya seeds help in liver rejuvenation and detoxification. Liver cirrhosis is a disease that shrinks and hardens the liver and is usually caused due to excessive alcohol consumption. Consuming papaya seeds twice a day has improved these conditions dramatically for many. 

For eliminating bacterial and viral infections: These seeds have powerful enzymes that eliminate harmful bacteria like salmonella and E coli thus preventing diarrhea and kidney related issues. The seeds and leaves have also eliminated viral infections like dengue fever and typhoid.

Relieving pain: Papaya seeds have strong anti-inflammatory properties and ease arthritis, joint pains, and swelling. The seeds also kill intestinal worms and parasites and make the environment favorable only for the good bacteria and hostile for the rest.

Natural Contraceptive : Contraceptives bought at the counter have many effects on prolonged usage. Papaya seeds are natural contraceptives with zero side effects. Women have used the seeds as a traditional birth control method while for men; it reduces the production of sperm without affecting their libido. When the regular consumption is stopped, all these effects are reversed back to normal.

Anti-cancer: The seeds have agents that prevent the growth of cancer cells and tumors and are effective against leukemia, breast and prostate cancer.

How to consume papaya seeds

The seeds can be eaten raw but have a very bitter taste so; you can crush them and add it with milk or lemon juice. The leaves are crushed so that only the pulp is squeezed out. Consume two spoons a day.

Papaya seeds are not recommended for pregnant or lactating women and should be taken within limits by the others. Overconsumption has side effects and can specifically hinder pregnancy and breastfeeding.

