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Healthy cooking with an air fryer: Eat the foodstuffs of your desire

How does it feel to suppress your desire to consume delicious and deep-fried samosas, vadas, and pakodas (popular Indian snack delicacies) only because they are laden with oil? Terrible! Isn’t it?

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Sedentary lifestyles, poor sleeping habits, and a rapid pace of life put a great deal of stress on the type of food we eat. Every time we hog on our favorite burger, potato chips, or even deep-fried chicken, our outstretched belly takes us on a guilt trip. At some stage of life, all of us face this daunting question: Should I quit oily stuff completely?

What if we tell you that there is a very healthy solution for consuming all your favorite deep-fried recipes?

No! we are not talking about an oil absorber. Instead, we are talking about an air fryer! 

What does an air fryer mean?

How does it operate?

Is cooking with an air fryer healthy?


This article will enlighten you on the same.

An air fryer is an immensely popular kitchen appliance in today’s time. It is used to make fried foods, such as potato chips, meat, pastries, etc.

The air-frying process involves the circulation of hot air – containing fine oil droplets – around the food to give it a crunchy and crispy texture. It also involves a chemical reaction (known as the Maillard effect) which leads to alterations in the color and flavor of foods.

Air-fried foods, thanks to their lower content of fat and calories, are considered as a healthy alternative to deep-fried foods.

You will be surprised to know that the air-frying process utilizes just a tablespoon of oil to achieve a taste and texture similar to deep-fried foods.

Healthy Cooking benefits of an Air Fryer

  • Aids in weight loss- The biggest benefit of an air fryer is that it helps you lose weight even by consuming the food items which you crave! You can now lust on your favorite home-baked cake and have it too! In fact, air fryers are designed to produce food with up to 80 percent less fat than food cooked with other fryers. Isn’t it relieving to know that you can now have your fried dishes and still conserve those calories and saturated fat?The versatile air fryer can grill, bake, and roast foods offering you an all-in-one combination for a healthier lifestyle.
  • Saves on time- Time is money. In today’s era, every minute saved is equivalent to a penny earned. If you’re on a tight schedule, an air fryer can always come in handy. For example, French fries can be prepared within 12 minutes with the help of the air fryer which is healthy cooking.So, air fryer is perfect for people who are always in a hurry and do not have much time to make their meals. Also, it has a sound indicator that alerts you (like an alarm clock) when the timer runs out while the meal preparation is in process.The air fryer reduces the time you spend in the kitchen by a tremendous amount.
  • Decreases the formation of harmful compounds- Studies have shown that frying food can produce potentially dangerous compounds such as acrylamide. Acrylamide is formed in carbohydrate-rich foods when high-heat cooking methods like frying are used. Research studies have linked acrylamide to the development of cancer, especially the kidney and ovarian ones. Air-frying food has shown to lower the acrylamide content of fried foods. One study even reported that air-frying reduced acrylamide by 90% compared to traditional deep-frying.Thus, air fryer can also help combat the formation of harmful compounds.
  • Safe for use- Ever got burnt due to the splattering of oil when frying stuff? Chances are you did!However, an air fryer is safe from fire outbreaks because:
    • Even if you forget to shut it off, it will shut off automatically.
    • There is no open environment involving flame and oil which prevent the dangers of your kitchen catching fire.
  • Helps control the temperature- The best part of an air fryer is that it gives you good control over temperature. The temperature control can be modulated based on the type of meal you are preparing. Most air fryers can heat up to 200 to 300 degrees. Another advantage is that you can check the food while cooking without interfering with the timer. Also, the heating will pause if you remove the pan while still heating and resume once you return it back.

Thus, the multifaceted air fryer can make cooking an enjoyable experience!



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