Home-made Remedies To Beat Acidity

Suffering from acidity or acid reflux is not only a health concern but also interferes with your daily life.  

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Constantly popping a pill to relieve symptoms do more harm than good in the long run.

Ayurveda provides a number of home-made and natural remedies to beat heartburn. 


A rich source of potassium, bananas helps keep the acid production level in your stomach in check. Eat a ripe banana for some relief or incorporate it into your diet if you suffer from acidity.


Tulsi leaves help to stimulate your stomach to produce more mucous and reduce the effects of gastric acids. Chew on some tulsi leaves whenever you suffer from acidity to get some relief from the discomfort.


Milk is rich in calcium and helps prevent acid build up and absorbs the excess acid produced, thereby reducing the symptoms of acidity. Have cold milk without any additives.


Saunf contains volatile oils and has anti-ulcer properties, thereby aiding in digestion and relieves constipation. Chew on a few saunf seeds or boil a few seeds in water and leave them overnight. Drink this water during the day when you feel acidic.

  • AMLA

Amla has a high concentration of vitamin C that helps in healing the stomach lining and esophagus. It is also a kapha and pitta pacifier. Have one teaspoon of amla powder twice a day to prevent acidity.

So if you suffer from a bout of acidity the next time, try these natural home-made remedies for instant relief. If you suffer from chronic acidity, consult a doctor for proper treatment.

