Joint Pain Management by Diet

Living an active life is your right and eliminating joint pain the first step to your freedom! The power of natural foods has

[the_ad id=”6155″] now been established as the most beneficial in fighting the battle against inflammation and joint pain. Pain and discomfort can strike any joint—shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, knee, hip and ankle. If you have tender or swollen, aching joints that restrict movement then the underlying cause should be joint pain. 

Realizing and accepting the presence of a health issue is half the battle won. The other half can be won by getting the right health solution. Joint pain can be managed with proper diagnosis, right diet and lifestyle changes. Combine this with Ayurveda and Homeopathy and you have a natural solution to reduce and manage joint pain.

Pain Management Plan

Food Plan

We recommend an anti-inflammatory food plan, which helps reduce the existing rate of inflammation in the body. It includes flax seed, walnuts and vitamin E-rich foods. Foods that aggravate inflammation such as foods containing gluten, lactose, sugar and refined foods like maida, are not part of the food plan.

Mild exercise

We advise 30 to 40 minutes of mild exercise/walk, 5 times a week. Regular exercise will help lose weight, which is one of the causes of joint pain. It will also reduce stiffness, improve flexibility and add strength to the joints.

Diet & Lifestyle Tips for Joint Pain

Lifestyle Tips

Incorporate these lifestyle changes to get relief from joint pain. They’re easy to follow and hassle-free!

  • Lose weight
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat nutritious food, regular and timely meals
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Wear comfortable footwear
  • De-stress
  • Take adequate rest

    Diet chart for Joint Pain

    Here’s a one-day generic diet chart for joint pain –

    Upon Rising

    •  1 glass of lukewarm water
    • 30 ml haldi juice


    • 1 cup tea / coffee/ green tea (without sugar)


    • Chilla/sprout salad
    • 1 glass vegetable juice

    Mid-morning snack

    • 1 fruit
    • 1 cup green tea (without sugar)


    • Jowar /ragi/ bajra chapati
    • Dal
    • Vegetable
    • Salad
    • ————
    • 1/4 th tsp MTG Powder


    • 1 cup Tea/ Coffee/ Green Tea (without sugar)
    • Snacks (roasted chana/ makhana)

    Late Evening Snack

    • 2 tbsp. Mixed Seeds (Flax seeds + Pumpkin seeds + Sunflower seeds + Sesame seeds)
    • Jowar / Ragi/ Bajra chapati
    • Dal
    • Vegetable
    • Salad

