Signs You Worry Too Much About What Others Think

Seeking appreciation from others is common. But you have to realize the boundary between the need for people to like you and being ready to do anything to earn recognition.

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Read further to know the signs that you worry too much about other’s judgment towards you.


1. You put everyone’s needs ahead of your own.

  • You consider satisfying others is more important than recognizing your personal needs.
  • By doing so, you diminish the personal image you have upon yourself, which affects your self-esteem.
  • In the real world, we are more likely to be able to help others efficiently if our needs are satisfied to the fullest.

2. You think too much about what you say.

  • You are too reluctant to voice out your opinion and keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself.
  • Evaluating your ideas by yourself before presenting them to others is very good.
  • But it shouldn’t extend to a limit where your silence makes other people doubt or misunderstand the crux of your character.

3. You turn into a social Chameleon.

  • You are always ready to morph yourself to fit into the crowd you are surrounded by, at any particular time.
  • This establishes a situation where people misunderstand who you are as a person.
  • This might not seem like an issue at the start but becomes a problem later, when others get to know you better in the course of time and are confused about your character.

4. You feel guilty when things go wrong.

  • Whenever anything goes wrong, you tend to get the feeling that you are responsible, even while the issue has nothing to do with you.
  • You care too much about others being disappointed to let it go.
  • Taking up responsibility for any situation is great. But let the failure be yours or someone else’s, do not let it affect you. Just learn the lesson and keep going.

5. You are trying to please everybody.

  • Trying to be in everyone’s good books is not something bad. But, once again your individual personality is much important than other people’s appreciations.
  • Even great and popular orators are not able to please 100% percent of the crowd.
  • Make sure you present yourself as who you are and be ready to justify yourself in every situation.

6. You have a hard time asking for help.

  • You feel the need to show that you are strong always and feel that asking for help shows weakness.
  • But the fact is that knowing when to ask for help means you are fully aware of your strength and you are also ready to achieve feats beyond your limits with a little help.
