Suicide Prevention Day: You Matter To The World

Suicide is derived from the Latin word, suicidium which means self-murder. It is an act of self-harm that’s done with an intention to die.

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There is a range, however, between thinking about suicide and acting it out. Some people have ideas of suicide that they will never act on; while some others may plan for days, weeks, or even years before acting on it. There may be others that take their lives seemingly on impulse, without premeditation.

How to avoid get suicidal thoughts

Suicidal thoughts can be very overwhelming and scary. Sometimes they can be fleeting but most other times, they can become stronger urges that promise relief from the current “unbearable” pain. Some of the things you could do, if you’re clouded with suicidal thoughts are:

  • Believe that it gets better from here- Suicidal thoughts are best dealt with by believing that it isn’t the end of the road. At that moment, it might get a little hard to convince yourself to do so, but you will be amazed that it is indeed the truth. However hard things might get, there is always a way out & ending things abruptly is not a solution.
  • Give yourself one more chance – Never stop giving yourself another chance. It doesn’t matter how many you have already given yourself, there is always room for one more. And that one chance will bring you home!
  • Talk to someone- Get yourself out of that lonely moment. Reach out to a family member or a friend. It could even be a doctor as well. If you are not up to talking to a person close to you, use a suicide helpline. Do not be alone. Tell another person what is on your mind. By merely talking or opening up, you will notice that things start easing up within you. Eventually, seek an expert counselor and confide. There is no shame in telling yourself and the world, “I need help. Help me.”
  • Stay safe- Wherever you are, remove yourself from danger. Step away from heights, keep sharp objects away, stay distant from anything that could potentially and fatally harm you. It is often noticed that when one is near anything dangerous or harmful, suicidal thoughts get even stronger. Stay away from such triggers.
  • Breathe slowly- Take slow, deep breaths. Slow breathing slows down your heart rate and your brain is supplied with more oxygen. This will help you move your attention away from the thoughts you might be having.
  • Focus on your loved ones- Gather yourself and try to steer clear of all negative thoughts in your mind. Try to focus on things that are dear to you. Think of happy memories and your loved ones. Try and relax your muscles. Loosen up by stretching your arms and legs. When negative thoughts cloud your brain, do not forget that your life is too precious a thing to give up on.Think of the people that matter to you and to whom you matter – an act like this affects them all.
  • Seek professional help- Identifying underlying difficulty and finding solutions is very important. Keep in mind that seeking help from a therapist can improve your ability to cope more effectively when future crises arise. If signs and symptoms of a mental disorder are suspected, you will be prescribed medications that can help with your mental health problems.

So, if something is bothering you – remember that you are never alone in your misery and there will always be somebody out there who will extend a helping hand – all you have to do is don’t give up.

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.


World suicide prevention day mfine