Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Diet

The American Heart Association developed the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) diet to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering bad cholesterol by 8 to 10 % in six weeks.

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 This three-part program uses diet, physical activity, and weight management to lower cholesterol. Thousands of Indians are now adopting this practice to achieve better living and eating habits.

Elevated cholesterol raises your risk of cardiovascular disease. The higher your cholesterol, the more likelihood of developing plaque inside your arteries. Keeping cholesterol within the appropriate ranges is the best way to lower your risk.

The success rate in lowering cholesterol levels varies from person to person depending on their change in diet. Those who lose the most excess weight, see the most. The first step in lowering cholesterol is a drastic change in the diet followed by medications if needed. Although, the diet is not designed to cut down weight, it is well accepted, as it not only helps in weight loss but is also good for overall health. The diet rules your daily intake of fats, carbohydrates, proteins and fiber-containing products, for a balanced diet.

The TLC diet’s main focus is to reduce the amount of saturated fat you eat, because saturated fat elevates your cholesterol. You can reduce the saturated fat in your diet by limiting the amount of red meat and whole milk products you eat. There is no specific meal plan to follow, but people are encouraged to follow a 1,800 calorie diet daily. People following the diet are encouraged to eat:

  • Lots of fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains and oats
  • Fish
  • No-skin poultry
  • Low-fat dairy products

The foods to be avoided or limited are:

  • Saturated fats and oils
  • Trans fatty acids
  • Red meat
  • Full cream Milk products
  • Fast foods
  • Snacks like muffins, biscuits, etc

An eating pattern heavy on fruits, veggies and whole grains but light on saturated fat and salt is considered the best way to keep cholesterol and blood pressure in check and heart disease at bay. Eating patterns like what TLC promotes helps in diabetes prevention as it emphasizes on the right foods and discourages the wrong ones.

The program calls for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise like brisk walking most or all days of the week. Being physically active lowers your risk of heart disease and diabetes, helps keep weight off, and increases your energy levels.

The benefits of TLC diet are:

Heart health – It is your best defense against cholesterol, heart diseases and blood pressure. The TLC diet has been proven to be highly effective in treating and preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Diabetes – The TLC diet has been found to be very effective in lowering the insulin levels in people suffering from high cholesterol. This is highly significant in preventing the possibility of type 2 diabetes.

Weight loss – The TLC diet does not target weight loss. It has been created specifically to target cholesterol. The TLC diet is more focused on maintaining an ideal body weight and determining the daily calorie intake.

