Your Jump Start To A Basic Cardio Workout

Are you a complete exercise newbie who is ready to get started with cardio workouts? 

[the_ad id=”6094″]What exactly is cardio exercise? Often known as “aerobics”, people usually think cardio is only a form of exercise to lose weight. The primary goal of the cardio exercise is to increase heart rate and respiration. Not only the lung capacity but also heart function is enhanced by the use of oxygen through cardio exercise.

Some of the benefits of cardio workout include: 

  • Decreases the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases
  • Ups performance in daily living activities
  • Optimizes the resting heart rate and normalizes resting blood pressure
  • Reduces stress levels and boosts mood
  • Helps in muscle-toning

Cardio workouts are apt for you if you match any one of these criteria:

  • Never exercised
  • It has been a long time since you’ve exercised and you’re ready to get back on track.
  • On a break due to an illness or injury and you need to start slow and easy.
  • Sedentary lifestyle

Prepping for Cardio Training

If you have been inactive lately, or just beginner to exercising, there are a few things you need to know before getting started-

  • Get an approval from your physician in case of medical conditions such as heart disease, cancer, or diabetes.
  • Start slowly, as doing too much at the beginning level, will cause overly sore muscles.
  • When doing any form of cardio, the body heat increases rapidly. So wear breathable clothes. Also, use appropriate safety gear, such as helmets and running shoes in case of cycling/biking.
  • Make sure to drink plenty of water and energy drinks before, during, and after your workout.
  • Warm up and stretch

Walking /Treadmill

It is true that being a natural movement, walking does not require any skill. Walking is an aerobic activity loaded with many cardiovascular benefits. Begin walking for at least 30 minutes to set a comfortable pace, then gradually increase the speed and intensity of your walk with growing stamina.

Stationary Cycle

Stationary cycling is a low-impact activity, as compared to regular cycling, and ideal for people of all fitness levels. It burns tons of calories in a short time period while toning your quadriceps, glutes, calves, and hamstrings. Stationary cycles are built with magnetic resistance, which allows increasing the intensity of a workout.

Elliptical Training

Elliptical trainers are cardiovascular machines designed to mimic the movement of running without placing stress on your joints. You can move the pedals on an elliptical trainer forward or backward, depending on the motion comfortable for you. 10 to 20 minutes of elliptical training, few days a week will suffice for beginners.

Rowing Machine

Rowers are cardiovascular machines that tone and stretch muscles throughout the body. Rowers attached, mimic the upper-body movements necessary to row a boat, fully engaging your chest, shoulders, and arms. The smooth and repetitive movement of rowing can improve joint mobility and help alleviate muscle stiffness.


Once you get started, even if only for a few minutes per week, cardio is easy to incorporate into your schedule. Remember to warm up properly, perform your endurance exercise, and cool down properly and stretch. If you follow the above tips, it’s a smooth ride to fitness.

