A Multi-Pronged Approach to Asthma?

Being in the city, you frequently encounter those suffering from asthma. This may attributed to the city atmosphere, characterized by vehicular pollution, dust, and occasionally, seasonal plants!

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Accordingly It can affect the young and old alike; however, it most commonly starts in childhood. In India, about 15-20 million individuals affected by it today. Generally Though it is hard to detect, especially in children, your doctor may ask you the following questions to help make a diagnosis: 

  • Do you feel breathless or tight in the chest often?
  • When do you feel so? For example, do you feel so after engaging in physical activity, like climbing the stairs or playing sport?
  • Is the intensity more during any specific time of the year?
  • Do you have any known allergies?
  • Does someone in your family have breathing problems?
  • Is your child missing school, or are you missing work when you feel this way?

Following this, your doctor will carry out a lung function test or spirometry, which will measure how much air you inhale or exhale. Now, it is important for you to realize what your triggers are. Accordingly The most common triggers in it include strenuous physical exercise, high humidity, extreme cold, some food and food additives.

Likewise In some cases, emotional status can also cause hyperventilation and, eventually, its attack. Besides this, animal dander, dust, pollution, carpet fibers, cockroaches, and other mites can also cause an asthma attack.

What is an asthma attack and how is it treated?

Furthermore An asthma attack is when the airways to your lungs shrink as the walls of these airways swell due to irritants. Hence These irritants are nothing but the above-mentioned triggers. Normally, it has no cure; but it can controlled. Medications for it can either inhaled or taken as a pill. There are two types of medication that is usually given: long-term medications and quick-fix medications. Generally If you find that you are using your quick-fix medication frequently, then speak to your doctor about shifting to long-term medications, which can help control your its attacks better.

Diet, light exercise, and controlled breathing (pranayama) are also useful in it.

Remember that asthma can be controlled by moderating your environment, keeping clean, and protecting yourself from inhaling harmful air!


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