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What Happens To Your Body On A Vegan Diet?

Celebrities are endorsing it. Social media influencers swear by it. The vegan diet has certainly gained momentum over the last few years.

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This animal-free diet which shuns meat and dairy is at an all-time high. If you’re thinking of jumping into this plant-based bandwagon, then you must know its pros as well as cons. So, before saying goodbye to Alfredo pasta and tandoori chicken, have a look at what happens to a body that’s on a vegan diet plan :

Your Energy Levels rise

One of the first things you notice when you go on a vegan diet is the energy surge. When you eat a plant-based diet you’re getting a healthy mix of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Vegan foods contain less fat and sugar. This leads to higher energy levels, less stress and less anxiety.

You’ll feel hungry more often

While there is nothing wrong with eating vegetables, but the human body needs a certain number of calories. Indian men need around 2500 calories and women require at least 2000 calories in a day to maintain their current weight. And vegetables contain fewer calories. Thus, to meet your daily calorie requirements, make sure that your vegan diet is a mix of good fats and good proteins foods. Some examples of complete proteins are rice with beans, tofu with rice, barley and lentils.

Some nutrients take a plunge

Your vitamin D levels drop because the major sources of it come from fish, eggs, and meat (Sunlight is the biggest source of vitamin D and it is advised to take at least 10-15 minutes of sunlight daily). Going vegan also means no vitamin B12 as it naturally majorly occurs in animal foods. Your iron levels plummet too. Moreover, regular consumption of green leafy veggies, seeds, and legumes can further block nutrient absorption in your body.

You may lose weight

As mentioned before, a vegan diet is typically lower in calories. So, you end up shedding the extra weight. Vegans tend to be thinner and have low BMI than non-vegans. Studies have revealed that vegans are more mindful, as they put more thoughts in their food. The whole attitude contributes to effective weight loss.

Disease risk could lower

One of the biggest benefits of going vegan is that the risk of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases, and cancer reduce. Experts say that vegan foods contain phytonutrients, chemicals that protect the plant against harmful microbes and toxins. The same nutrients safeguard the vegans from illnesses.


Note: It is important to consult a clinical dietitian before going for the vegan diet. Do not try this diet without professional consultation.


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