Health Benefits of Nutrition Bars

Even though we all at times grab a nutrition bar, may be for a quick snack or in a busy day sometimes, we always

[the_ad id=”6346″]have one question in mind – would they be of any benefit to our overall health? In fact the truth is that it is always better to substitute one for lunch in a busy day than to grab those burgers, fries and pastries high in saturated fat.

In the process of making various lifestyle changes on the journey to fitness, the most essential area to make all the adjustments are our eating habits and food choices. It is nearly impossible to attain optimal health without proper nutrition and starting to eat to nurture our body rather than eating something just because it tastes good or you like it. It is where nutrition bars can be a good friend for the body in the regime to be fitter and stay in shape.

What are the key health benefits of these nutrition bars?

In today’s on the run culture, sitting down comfortably and having your meal might seem to be an impossible luxury extravaganza. This is where the nutrition bar emerged and seemed like just the right medicine that your doctor prescribed you. For anyone who misses his/her meal and needs a boost of energy, these glittering and attractively packed bars are better than the junk food. Here are some key benefits that these bars serve:

  • They are ideal for quick boost of energy and endurance. They free you from terrible hunger pranks at times when you are unable to have your meal.
  • These bars are simple and can be added occasionally to your daily meals. A much better option than to hit a fast food outlet. They are balanced nutritionally and provide the body with the needed energy to carry along the day.
  • Convenient and easy to incorporate before and after a workout session. They provide the body with the much needed fuel for endurance and recovery from a strenuous exercise regime. 
  • Can be easily incorporated in our daily lifestyle. Just have one along with your favorite breakfast cereal. It does not need any preparation, just open and eat, and all you get is a protein packed alternative along with vitamins and minerals.

 Nutrition bars – are they all alike?

Every time you visit the store, you see a new packed nutrition bar promising to be better than the other in taste and packed with more protein or vitamins. Perhaps it might not be true that what tastes better, is the best. So setting favors and tastes aside, let us read what constitutes a good nutrition bar.

  • Proteins: a good one should have atleast 15 gms of protein and preferably from whey or casein and not soy, collagen or gelatin.
  • Carbohydrates: a good meal replace bar should have a balance of fat, carbohydrate and protein in a 30:40:30 ratio respectively. It has also been seen that to enhance the taste factors some bars have considerably high amounts of sugar. Ensure that the sugar in the label of the bar is not more than 10 -15 gms.
  • Fats: bars with polyunsaturated vegetable oils like the olive, coconut and safflower are the better ones. Avoid the ones that contain cholesterol boosting oils like the palm kernel oil. The overall fat contains in a bar should not be more than 3 gms saturated and 0 gms trans fat.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: a good nutrition bar would contain 1/3rd of the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, E, D and A, potassium, magnesium, calcium and zinc. These are a good replacement for meals.
  • Fibers and Calories: although most of the nutrition bars contain very small quantities of fibers, but good ones have between 4 to 6 gms. Also, pick up a nutrition bar whose label reads at least 200 to 300 calories on it.

