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Top 10 Foods to Reduce your Cholesterol Level

We all know that high cholesterol level is the most significant reason for heart attacks. And a bad diet leads to

[the_ad id=”6147″]unhealthy cholesterol level, ultimately leading to heart attacks.

But what exactly is ‘Cholesterol’?

In scientific terms, cholesterol is known as hypercholesterolemia. It is a soft waxy natural part of the fat which is present in the bloodstream and the cells of the body. If high level of cholesterol circulates in the blood, it leads to sticky deposits inside the artery walls. These deposits block the flow of blood which leads to heart attack. 

Below are top 10 food items that you must include in your diet to reduce your cholesterol level.

 1. Olive oil and Olive products : Olive, rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, reduces ‘bad’ i.e. low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increases ‘good’ i.e. high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. It contains henolics (plant substances) that help blood to clot easily in case of wounds and harmful clotting.

2Almonds: Almonds, rich in unsaturated fats, raise healthy HDL cholesterol. Fats present in almonds helps to lower down the unhealthy LDL cholesterol by not letting it getting oxidized. Hence, saving your arteries from getting blocked, leading to normal blood circulation to your heart.

3Legumes: Legumes are rich in high dietary fiber and protective nutrients. It contains minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients. They are low in fat density content and have a low glycemic index (GI). The dietary fiber knocks down the bad cholesterol level and reduces energy intake.

4. Avocado: This creamy textured fruit is rich in heart-healthy mono-unsaturated fats. It controls the bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and boosts the healthy HDL cholesterol.

5Oatmeal: Rich in soluble fiber content, avert cholesterol from being absorbed in your bloodstream. Five to ten grams of oatmeal is enough to control your LDL cholesterol and keep your healthy.

6. Yoghurt & Dairy products: Fat-free Yoghurt includes calcium & minerals. It is rich in Lactobacillus, a micro-organism which reduces high blood cholesterol levels. Fat-free milk and cottage cheese are good for health and are very good essentials for a low-cholesterol diet.

7. Tomatoes: Tomatoes, rich in lycopene, help to knock down the artery-clogging fat and lower the LDL cholesterol production in your body. Consumption of 25 milligrams a day is really beneficial in controlling high cholesterol levels.

8Spinach: It is rich in beta-carotene. It contains a carotenoid named ‘lutein’Lutein prevents buildup of cholesterol in the blood. You will be able to lower your cholesterol levels in no time with the intake of fresh spinach every day.

9. Oranges: Oranges are anti-oxidant rich citrus fruits. They are rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C protect your heart and control your cholesterol level

10. Onion & Garlic: Daily consumption of garlic, spring onions and other onions is helpful in lowering the bad cholesterol level and protect the heart.

It is said that with every 1% reduction of LDL cholesterol, there is about 2% decrease in the threat of heart attack. So, include all the above mentioned food items in your diet chart, get your bad cholesterol down and stay away from the risk of heart attacks.
