Categories Dietetics English Health

The Tale Of Red Spinach: From Nourished Hair To Flourished Health

Spinach is definitely one of the most consumed leafy vegetables. 

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Although some wait the year around to have different recipes of spinach, hardly anybody pays attention to its cousin- the humble red spinach (lal shaak). In comparison to green spinach, red spinach offers innumerable health benefits. In fact, they are even cheaper than green spinach.  Also, the taste is beyond good, and if prepared in a traditional Bengali style and eaten with mustard sauce (kashundi) and rice; the red spinach will truly bring the heaven nearer to your palate. However, it is often neglected. So, I’m sharing some of the amazing health merits it offers. They are:

Worrying about your hair turning grey untimely? The solution lies with this humble leafy vegetable. Consume red spinach every day to prevent premature greying of hair and to strengthen the hair roots.

For people facing kidney-related problems, red spinach is the answer!  The low potassium content of the vegetable is a health-giving benefit for kidney patients. Hence, consumption of raw red spinach juice for 2-3 days a week is often recommended.

Red spinach is a potent immunity-booster. Being a storehouse of essential vitamins, especially Vitamin C, it effectively protects us from common cold and flu.

This leafy vegetable is good for women because of its high iron content. Consuming a smooth paste of red spinach, along with lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey would do wonders for women’s health.

An excellent source of fiber, red spinach is good for digestion and blood sugar regularization. At the same time, it helps to prevent dysentery.

Consuming these magical leaves will be beneficial for your health, so make sure you add them to your daily diet. YANA Diet strongly recommends you to value the foods that are of the seasonal and local varieties and will endeavor to bring across their exceptional nutrition value in the future as well. So eat “lal shaak” with rice to stay blessed with good health.

