Why You Should Give Time for Yoga Everyday

I’m sure you have heard people go on and on about how yoga makes everything better and even seen people who are so crazy about the practice that they spend hours and some even days and months together to master yoga. So, what is it that is so great about yoga? How does it help? And more importantly, how long do you need to practice to see results?[the_ad id=”16416″]

The amount of yoga you need to practice depends entirely on what kind of results you expect to feel at the end of the day. For a beginner, however, 20 minutes a day is an ideal start. There are various forms of yoga you can start with, one such type is Vinyasa yoga. It is a form of yoga that blends movement and breathing and creates a flow from one position to the other.

How do these 20 minutes of yoga help?

We all live highly active and busy lives where the pressure is high and schedules are tight.

  • Yoga helps you ease these problems and rejuvenates you.
  • It reduces stress levels and helps balance blood pressure levels.
  • It prevents depression, anxiety, and insomnia; provides relief for the ones who are already suffering.
  • Yoga exercises are also a powerful form of cardio and improve your health, aid weight loss and help you maintain a toned and sculpted figure.
  • The various range of poses improve your flexibility and strengthens your core muscles. Additionally, people who practice yoga enjoy better moods and are often more composed, less irritable and high on energy.
  • It has also been observed that regular yoga practice eases as well as helps you endure pain and stress better.

While many of these can be backed by science, most people have seen significant improvement in their health and lifestyle by practicing yoga.

People from across the world come to India to learn yoga, enjoy its practice, some even settle down here because of the satisfaction it gives. The practice of power yoga is becoming increasingly popular. It’s worth it, why don’t you give it a try?

