Understanding Belly Fat and Weight Loss

A big belly does not look very healthy and can be dangerous to your health. The belly fat produces – in contrast to the

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fat on other parts of the body – substances that can bring the body clear disadvantages. They increase appetite and promote the emergence of the typical diseases of urban living – from diabetes to cardiovascular diseases to cancer and Alzheimer’s. Read about how belly fat can become a health risk and what you can do to get rid of those extra pounds through fast weight loss.

1. You are doing the wrong workout

You are exercising and dieting but not losing fat. How To Lose Weight Quickly is the most common question. Jogging sessions may be good for the heart, but cardio training alone is not enough to lose fat on the stomach. Better is a combination of endurance training and strength training: With strength exercises, namely, muscles are built, which cause the body to burn fat continuously.

2. You are getting older

Both men and women experience a declining metabolic rate as they grow older. This means that the body also needs fewer calories than in previous years and needs customized diet plans. In women, in addition to this age-related change between the ages of 45 and 55, menopause occurs. When women gain weight during or after this phase, it is usually in the abdomen.

3. You eat too many processed foods

Refined cereals in the form of white bread, crackers as well as refined sugars in soft drinks and sweets increase the risk of inflammation in the body and reduce chances of Weight Loss. Belly fat is associated with inflammation, so overeating processed food will reduce your ability to lose belly fat. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are full of antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory properties and help avoid belly fat and always part of any weight loss programs.

4. Your workout does not challenge you enough

To get rid of stubborn belly fat, you need to increase your training continually. People who undergo a high-intensity exercise program lose more belly fat than people who exercise at low intensity, according to one study. Weight loss tricks mean you have to train with the utmost intensity because the goal is to burn calories – and intense exercises do that. By the way, losing weight without exercise is possible – but needs a very low-calorie diet.

5. You are stressed

Bills, children, deadlines in the job – there are many causes of stress. However, in the end, it will be hard for you to get rid of unwanted pounds – especially around your middle. On the one hand, one tends to eat fatty and high-calorie foods when stressed out. On the other hand, during stressful phases, you produce the hormone cortisol, which tends to grow your fat cells.


It may also be that you are not getting enough sleep. Many people are struggling with lack of sleep for a variety of reasons. As a result, the hormones responsible for the appetite hormones ghrelin and leptin fall off, which leads to an increased appetite and failure of Weight Loss Diet. And that, in turn, requires an increase in weight.

Pay attention to a healthy amount of sleep especially in the case of stress. In the best case, that’s seven to nine hours of sleep. This will help you in losing belly fat and weight without any problem.



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