7 Tips for a Teenager to avoid feeling Depressed

Teenage years aren’t very easy. Sometimes it’s perfectly normal to be melancholic or a little irritable. But you should try to keep it under control because if you fail to cope up with irritability or agitation, you might be suffering from depression.

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Prevention is always better than cure. The same is applied in the case of teen depression. But before we jump into the category of “prevention”, we should know about the signs and symptoms of Depression first.

How to Recognize Teen Depression

  • Constant irritability, mood swings and unnatural anger
  • You feel that you are guilty, worthless or just “bad” for any reason whatsoever
  • Disruption in the sleep cycle
  • Weight loss or gain without being conscious of the same
  • Poor concentration
  • You might feel suicidal at some point (If this happens, you MUST talk to someone as soon as possible)
  • Unexplained physical ailments like headaches, migraine