6 Natural Tips to Lighten Dark Elbows and Knees

Darkening of elbows and knees is a condition most of us suffer from. This is the result of increase in pigmentation in those areas. Regular soaps might not do much good while fighting against pigmentation.

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Have a look at the list of natural remedies which will help keep your elbows and knees lightened.

1. Lemon

With its natural bleaching properties, lemon does excellent work when it comes to evening out your skin tone. Apply the lemon extract on your elbows and knees and let it dry for 10 minutes and rinse it off with warm water. Follow the same for ten to fifteen days and you will see the difference.

2. Curd

Curd is a very good natural moisturizer. But the mostly unknown fact is that sore curd also helps even out skin tone. Make a paste by adding vinegar and gram flour to sour curd. Apply the mix and let dry. Rinse after 15 minutes with warm water.

3. Baking soda

Add baking soda to milk and make a thick paste. Apply it to the darkened area and rinse after 15 minutes. Follow the same once a week for two months and see the difference.

4. Aloe vera

Aloe vera makes skin tone supple and even. Split the leaf of aloe vera and collect the jelly like pulp inside it. Apply it to rough skin and rinse with cold water after 20 minutes.

5. Coconut oil

Coconut oil can help keep your skin soft and smooth. Massage the affected with coconut oil and a dab of lemon. Wash the affected area with cold water without applying soap.

6. Olive oil

You can make an effective skin scrub by mixing a tablespoon of olive oil with two tablespoons of sugar. Sugar is an exfoliant by nature and removes dead cells from the surface of your skin and lightens your skin tone. Olive oil nourishes and hydrates your skin.

