A Glance at Depression

Being healthy is not only a state of physical well-being but it also takes into account mental and social well-being.

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Among all the mental health problems, depression is one of the most common disorders that mental health professionals come across.

Human beings are emotionally complex creatures. Emotions depend on our mood. Mood is a pervasive and sustained emotional state that lasts longer than emotions and colors the persons’ perception of the world. Depression is a disorder of the mood. People often use the word depression when they appear sad. Everyone feels sad or gets the occasional “blues” from time to time. However, these feelings of sadness are usually short-lived and easily manageable. 

Depression is said to be present when the feeling of sadness and hopelessness becomes overpowering and lasts continuously for hours or days. It is impossible for the person to simply “snap out” of this feeling and it is also accompanied by physical issues.

Some of the most common symptoms of depression

  • Constant feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and emptiness
  • Getting angry or irritated over small matters
  • Problems with sleep such as insomnia or over-sleeping
  • Tiredness and lack of enthusiasm for even simple tasks
  • Anxiety and restlessness
  • Loss of appetite or overeating
  • Feeling of guilt and fixating over past mistakes and actions
  • Thoughts of suicide and self-harm
  • Inexplicable physical problems like random headaches and backache
  • Loss of joy in activities that were once fun and enjoyable
  • Problems with focus and memory

Depression can happen to anyone who is susceptible. There are several factors that can lead to depression. It could be personality issues, genetic predisposition or social causes. All mental health disorders usually have a social & biological-psychological reason for their origin and depression is no exception. Biologically speaking, depression, like any other mental health condition, happens due to an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain which leads to mood and emotional instability.

How do you manage depression?

Usually moderate to severe depression requires medication and it plays a major role in recovery. Medications prescribed are usually a combination of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication. However, one cannot undermine the importance of a support system that is our friends and family. Self-care and certain aspects of lifestyle such as exercise and diet are also mighty helpful. Yoga and exercises not only keep the body fit and healthy but also goes a long way in easing and calming the mind. Engaging in conversations with people who are close to you and telling them what exactly is troubling you is an essential part of managing this condition.

The key to living healthy with mental health problems is getting proper & timely treatment along with having solid support from friends and family. If you or someone you know show any of these symptoms, make sure that you have access to proper care.



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