Amazing Tips to Lose Belly Fat

Do you feel that your belly fat makes your clothes feel tight? This is what most people feel daily when they get ready

[the_ad id=”6153″] to go to office or to go to a party. The fat on your belly is a stubborn fat and is also called as visceral fat; visceral fat basically means the fat which surrounds your internal organs. According to nutritionists, with this fat come some serious health issues such as increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other related diseases. People who have excess belly fat are at an increased risk, even if they look thinner overall. 

Losing fat from this area can be a difficult task, so, it requires a lot of hard work and efforts on the both exercise and diet front. We have a list of exercises along with some food tips which comes from the best nutritionists.

Exercises to lose belly fat

To lose that stubborn belly fat, one must workout for 45 – 60 minutes regularly. These workout sessions should consist of proper warm up exercises, cardio training and most importantly strength training and followed by cool down at the end. Strengthening exercises help in building up lean muscles and it also improves the strength of the mid area. Regularity and maintaining the correct posture are the 2 important keys that should be kept in mind while losing belly fat..

Interval Training

Interval training basically involves short bursts of high intensity workouts into whatever exercise you are doing. For example, if you walk on a treadmill for say about 20 – 25 minutes then you should replace this with interval training where in you have to sprint for 2 minutes followed by a walk for 3 – 4 minutes at an average speed of 5 – 6 KPH.

Surya Namaskar

Surya namaskar is one of the most important asanas in yoga because it comprises of various other asanas, which together work to strengthen your core muscles and get your abdominal muscles to work out and “lose fat”. Start with a count of 30 and then gradually increase as per your stamina.


All kinds of planks are helpful in strengthening the core muscles, but out of all side planks are tougher than others and very effective when it comes to strengthening the mid – section. Start off with the basic plank and move towards side planks. Gradually increase the repititions.

Push up’s

This exercise increases your metabolic rate but also benefits in upper body conditioning. It strengthens, tones and builds up the muscles of your upper body, specially the abdomen. This is an anaerobic exercise and helps you burn the accumulated fat on the tummy area.


This is another exercise that you can follow to “lose that stubborn belly fat”. This exercise should be done on a mat, so that you don’t hurt your back in the process of losing your belly fat. Start with at least a count of 20 – 25 and then slowly move your way up the ladder. This exercise focuses on your abdominal area, tones and builds up muscle in that area.


Exercise plays an important role when you want to “lose belly” fat but what plays a major role is the diet that you follow to accompany your workout as expressed by dieticians. What you eat decides whether or not you can “lose that stubborn belly fat”.

Dieting doesn’t in any way mean starving yourself or keeping yourself undernourished. Starving is definitely not the answer to your question, “how to “lose belly fat”?”

Burning fat with healthy eating habits is the best way to “lose belly fat”. Here are some tips on what to eat when trying to “lose that belly fat”

Eat eggs

As expressed by nutritionists, egg is the best breakfast option one can have. Eggs contain vitamin B12 and protein. Vitamin B12 which helps in metabolizing fat in the body and breaking it down, whereas protein helps in increasing the overall metabolic rate, this helps in “losing weight”. You can have egg white omelette or boiled egg whites. Whether to include yolk or not, can be answered by a nutritionist.

Legumes and beans

Legumes and beans are a good source of both fiber and protein. Beans specifically are high in resistant starch which delays the process of digestion and absorption and increases the involuntary burn out of calories.

Therefore, you spend more calories to digest this food and in turn you burn extra calories just by including them in your diet. You can cook these beans in a very little amount of oil and add veggies to these beans to increase the fiber content.

Fish and Fish oils

Fishes like salmon and rohu are packed with omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids help in breaking down the fats around your abdominal area (linoleic acid). Another function of these acids is that it also helps in reducing stress which can be a reason for gaining fat in the belly area.

Eat whole grains

As suggested by dieticians carbohydrates should not be avoided completely because they may leave you with a deprived feeling, there are chances that you feel a strong urge to snack on some junk and you might break it off. It is important to choose the healthy carbs to keep a balance in your diet. Try and eat whole wheat products, brown rice, oats etc.

Green Vegetables

Green vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals. Fiber helps in making you feel full and hence you end up loading yourself with lesser calories. Try to have spinach, broccoli, bottle gourds and other green vegetables in the form of soups or salads 15 minutes prior to your main meal.

Infused water

Nowadays everyone is talking about infused water. When water gets infused with herbs like mint, cinnamon, lemon, orange, not only do these herbs implant a distinguished flavor but they also transfer their medicinal qualities. This water cleanses your system and detoxifies your body.

