Beetroot – Super healthy food

The beautiful ruby colored beet is a powerhouse of nutrition. It contains carbohydrates, proteins, antioxidants & fiber; 

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not to mention the abundance of vitamins & minerals. It is low in calories, has only small amount of fat & zero cholesterol.

·         Being rich in soluble fiber, beet roots have cholesterol lowering properties. The carotenoids & flavonoids prevent the bad/LDL cholesterol from getting oxidized & deposited in arteries.

·         Beet root also helps cleanse our kidneys & gall bladder. Being rich in alkaline elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium & iron), it helps in combating acidosis & aids the natural process of elimination.

·         Glycine betaine, a phytochemical compound in beet root lowers the homocysteine levels in blood. A higher level of Homocysteine results in platelet clot formation as well as atherosclerotic plaque formation which may result in coronary heart disease, stroke & peripheral vascular disease.

·         Further, betaine also enhances the production of serotonin which is a natural mood lifter. Thus beetroot also makes us cheerful.

·         Beet root is an excellent source of folates which may prevent neural tube defects in the foetus.

·         Beet roots are rich in B group vitamins ( B3, B5 & B6) & minerals like iron, mangenese , copper & magnesium. Power packed with iron it is an excellent pick-me-up vegetable for expectant mothers. It is also rich in potassium which helps to regulate blood pressure. Beet root has a fair amount of Vitamin C which is an antioxidant that protects our cells from free radical damage & also facilitates the absorption of iron.

·         Beet root contains the mineral silica, which helps our body to utilize calcium, thereby reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

·         Beet root is also beneficial for the skin, and has been used for the treatment of boils, inflammation, pimples & dandruff.

