Eat To Fill Your Stomach Not Your Emotion

Hectic lifestyle, Stress, Depression, Loneliness and the emotional ups and downs they bring – often disturb our

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emotional states of mind, but do you know, these can trigger emotional eating in us as well? Yes, that’s right! We do not always eat because we are hungry; emotions can also influence us to eat more in order to satiate our state of mind. A hormone named Cortisol, which is released during stress, activates the desire for sweet and salty food items in us and leads to overeating of these and deep fried foods during stressful situations. 

Now, what is Emotional Eating?

Emotional eating is the consumption of food to satisfy emotional cravings rather than physical hunger. For example, you may like to eat a tub of ice cream or eat something deep fried when you are emotionally distraught. Occasional indulgence is not bad, but making a practice of consuming deep-fried foods and sweets for satisfying emotional appetite is not healthy. It may cause severe obesity and other related diseases. Eating these food items may make you feel good momentarily, but later the same would start causing dissatisfaction because of unnecessary calorie intake. It is possible to overcome emotional feelings in many other ways. So, we need to stop eating mindlessly and learn to eat more mindfully.

The Difference between Emotional Hunger and Physical Hunger

  • Emotional hunger arrives suddenly and your mind feels the urgency for food. On the other hand, physical hunger comes slowly and does not demand food urgently.
  • Emotional hunger mainly demands more sweet and salty food items. This hunger pang cannot be satisfied with vegetables and fruits. On the other hand, physical hunger can be satisfied with any type of food.
  • Emotional hunger often leads to mindless eating. Even when you are not feeling hungry, you may eat loads of food which would later generate a feeling of dissatisfaction. In case of physical hunger, the mind is more aware of the food intake.
  • In case of emotional hunger, you will feel cravings rather than pangs in your stomach. The latter is common with physical hunger.
  • Emotional hunger often leads to guilt and dissatisfaction, but physical hunger gives satisfaction after consumption of food.

How to overcome Emotional Eating?

It is important to know how to manage emotional eating habits. Diets often fail, because they offer logical advice which works only when a person is conscious and in control of his eating habits. It does not work during an emotional turmoil. One should find and know other ways to control emotional eating.

  • If you feel depressed, call someone who makes you feel better
  • A small walk with your pet is also helpful for overcoming temporary depressive phase
  • When you feel exhausted, you may treat yourself with some of your favourite songs or a hot cup of tea or a bath
  • If you are bored, reading a good book or watching a comedy show or playing musical instruments may also help

It is important to know your favourite things or activities beforehand to overcome stressful situations and reduce emotional eating.

