Poor Sleep & Weight Gain

Did you know poor sleeping habits could actually make you fat? Shocked? Yes! Bad sleeping leads to over-eating.

[the_ad id=”6287″]According to a group of researchers of Medicine from Pennsylvania University, our sleep patterns are correlated with our diet. Deprivation of sleep intervenes with the hormones of the body that sends out a signal when we have eaten enough. Therefore, bad sleep can lead to bad dietary choices. 

Sleep Patterns

Sleep patterns are very important. You first have to diagnose what kind of pattern you have:

  • Very short sleep where the sleeping hours are for less than 5hrs. 
  • Short sleep extending to five or six hours a night. 
  • The standard normal sleeping pattern having a tenure of 7 to 8 hours.
  • The long hours stretch to more than 8 to 9 hours.

The After-Effect Of Sleep Patterns

Normal Sleepers: These people showed the highest variety of food in their diets. A diverse diet is a key to a good diet containing the benefits of multiple nutrition. According to research, deprivation of sleep hampers appetite as it regulates the hormones.

Short Sleepers: It is found out that people who slept for shorter hours eventually consumed more calories and fewer total lycopene and carbohydrates along with small amounts of Vitamin C. So there is obviously a relation between bad sleep and bad diet as insufficient sleep affects your diet adversely.

What Happens When You Have Had A Bad Sleep?

  • Having insufficient or bad sleep can actually make you fat and feel tired affecting your weight. While you are busy working late night, your body cooks up the perfect weight gain recipe by sending the hormones haywire. 
  • When you tend to stay awake late at night, your body tempts you to binge eating which also contributes to weight gain.
  • Workouts take a backseat as you tend to feel tired due to short or bad sleep.
  • Late night or short periods of sleep can leave your skin dull and you stressed out.

How To Overcome A Bad Sleep Pattern?

Clinical surveys all over the world come up with these hygienic tips by which bad sleep can be avoided and its sub-sequential consequences on the diet are seen.

  • Never go to bed unless tired.
  • Cutting down on caffeine, alcohol or nicotine at night is a healthy trait.
  • Follow a specific sleep schedule and strictly maintain the routine.

