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Popular Health Myths You Need to Stop Believing

There are a lot of health myths prevalent in the society that is believed to be true. 

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For the sake of people’s health, it’s time now to bust them in the favor of scientific facts.

Myth: Gluten-free food is the right choice.

Fact: Unless you have serious gluten intolerance or a medical condition such as Celiac disease, in which your body cannot digest gluten, there is no proven reason that eating gluten-free is healthier for you. Also, many gluten-free foods also have more calories than their traditional counterparts. 

Myth: Everyone needs eight hours of sleep.

Fact: According to experts, our sleep needs vary, with people thriving on anywhere from six to nine hour of sleep. Eight hours is just an average and most people aren’t average.

Myth: It’s only what you eat not when you eat that impacts your health.

Fact:  As with most important things in life, timing matters when it comes to good eating habits. According to researchers, restricting food consumption to a 12-hour cycle, counting from your first bite of breakfast, is an important component of a healthy diet.

Myth: Feed a cold, starve a fever.

Fact: Not True. The best strategy for both colds and fevers is rest and plenty of fluids. Consuming warm liquids like soups are especially effective in opening up the nasal passages.

Myth: It’s safe to follow the five-second rule when picking up food from the floor.

Fact: Not True. We’ve all heard that it’s fine to eat food that dropped on the floor as long as you pick it up quickly. According to researchers at Rutgers University, there is no grace period, and bacteria can contaminate instantaneously. The more the moisture in the food, the more the bacteria it will gather.

Myth: Only exercises can help you see your abs.

Fact: Not True. You could do sit-ups and other abs exercises all day every day, but you’d still never see your abs if your diet is not in check. Exercises like sit-ups and planks will just strengthen the muscle, not get rid of the fat covering your stomach. If you want to see your abs, you’ll have to lose fat all over your body.

Myth: You need to detox regularly.

Don’t be fooled by crash diets promising to remove the toxins from your body and promote weight loss. There’s little scientific evidence behind the claims made by detox diets and cleansing kits. Besides, you already have the best detox kit you can get: Your liver. One of the liver’s jobs is to absorb toxic substances like ammonia and alcohol and get rid of them.

