Pre Workout Nutrition Tips

Are you working out in the gym on a regular basis and struggling with pre-workout meals? There are many people

[the_ad id=”6153″]who work out without the knowledge of how pre workout meals can work wonders for them. “Pre workout meals” are very important for those working out on a regular basis and want to focus either on weight gain or weight loss or even build muscle. People feel that only exercise is enough to gain weight or lose weight but this is not true. In order to gain or “lose weight” eating a healthy and appropriate diet is also important because when you start working out, the needs of your body change and you need to adjust accordingly.

Whenever diet is overlooked, you either start feeling weak during your workouts or lose stamina easily or you are not able to achieve the goals you set for yourself. “Pre workout nutrition” will ensure better health along with the reduction in easy loss of stamina and will also help you achieve your goals.

The nutritional requirements vary according to Age, Body Mass Index, and fat percentage of the person and also depend upon the nature and intensity of the workout regime one is following. You can either prepare your meal plans yourself or it is best to consult a dietician for either best weight loss programs or best weight gain programs that they offer. Optimal nutrient-consumption before exercise will help you maximize your performance and will also help you minimize muscle damage.

Pre Workout Nutrition

As some people say that you should exercise on an empty stomach, exercising after the meal is not advisable for some people. Although this is true, pre workout nutrition is also important. The “pre workout meal” you consume should provide you with enough energy to sustain the heavy requirements while you work out. In case the meal you have consumed fails to provide you with the sufficient energy, you will lack stamina and you might feel weak during your workout. This will also help in wear and tear of muscles that take place during and after exercise.

People are often tempted to cut down on calorie requirements and eat less to be able to lose weight and fat. But consuming before workout will help you in working out harder and achieve better results; it also helps in preventing low blood sugar level during workout which might lead to early fatigue and light headedness.

Here are some tips on pre workout nutrition.

Timing of Pre Workout Meal

Timing of your “pre workout meal” is very important. The meal should be consumed 1-2 hours before you start your workout. If you face problem on what to eat, you can consult a nutritionist for the best weight loss program.

Include Liquidsdietician, nutritionist

Dehydration is one of the major factors that keeps you away from achieving the results you are looking out for yourself. Dehydration during workouts can result in fatigue, cramps and headaches. Having around 500 – 600 ml of liquid an hour before your workout and also some amount of liquid in-between your workout will help keep you hydrated.

Include Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates after digestion turn into simple glucose, which then acts as a primary agent during your exercises. Simple carbs like sugar, aerated drinks, too much sugar in tea/ coffee/ milkshakes should be strictly avoided as advised by nutritionists. Complex carbs should be chosen over simple carbs, these foods will help in building up the energy banks.

Include Proteins

Protein like milk, egg whites and meats can be included as a part of your pre workout meal. This improves your anabolic response by improving muscle growth, muscle recovery and increases strength and lean body mass.

Avoid Fats

Food with high fat content should be avoided as they can make you feel sluggish and you shall tend to underperform during your workout.

Here are some food combinations you can include in your pre workout nutrition meal but remember this varies from person to person and for better results you consult a dietician/ nutritionist.

  1. Whole grain cereal and milk.
  2. A cup of oatmeal topped with banana and sliced almonds.weight loss treatment, nutritionist
  3. Vegetable sandwich with whole grain bread with 1 banana and 1 glass of milk.
  4. Egg white sandwich with multigrain bread plus fruit smoothies.
  5. Oats upma/ multi grain bread upma/ pohe with buttermilk.
  6. One plate mix fruit chaat with lemonade.
  7. Baked fish.
  8. Chicken sandwich with multigrain bread.
  9. Roasted channa/ roasted soyabean with buttermilk

All that we have talked above refers to pre workout nutrition, but post workout nutrition is also important whether you are trying to lose weight or gain weight. Post workout nutrition is important because after our workout is done, the wear and tear of muscles takes place and in order to have better muscle gain or lose weight, we must also take care of our post workout nutrition. Post workout nutrition helps in the repair of the muscles and it is advised for everyone whether trying to lose or gain weight.

Follow these tips for pre workout nutrition in order to get a better health and to ensure better stamina during workouts and thus achieving the results that you aimed for. If you feel that planning your pre workout meals is not your cup of tea then you can always pay a visit to a nutritionist for the best weight loss programs.

