Schizophrenia Symptoms Explained

Schizophrenia is a common health problem, affecting 1 in 100 people worldwide.

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The world of a Schizophrenic is indeed harsh, with most individuals having a hard time recognizing reality accompanied by social anxiety. People with schizophrenia are often known to exhibit inexplicable behavioral patterns and need long term medication and care to recover.

Let us learn more about schizophrenia:

What are the Causes of Schizophrenia?

  • Hereditary Factors – The probability of schizophrenia is higher in individuals who have immediate members of the family suffering from the condition like a mother, father, aunt or uncle and may therefore, end up inheriting the disease from them.
  • Environmental Factors- Environmental factors can also go a long way in causing people to become schizophrenic. For instance, not receiving enough oxygen at the time of birth, or taking marijuana during teenage years can result in people suffering from schizophrenia at a later age.
  • Abnormal Brain Structure- People who have abnormal brain structure can also end up being diagnosed with schizophrenia at some or the other point. If the brain ventricles are enlarged, there is a good chance of such a person displaying schizophrenic symptoms every once in a while requiring immediate diagnosis and treatment.


What are the Symptoms of Schizophrenia?

Positive symptoms of schizophrenia imply the specific symptoms that schizophrenic individuals suffer from and which the ordinary person does not have. For instance, a schizophrenic man or woman will experience hallucinations and will be unable to distinguish what is real from what is not.

  • Prone to Suspicion all of the Time- A schizophrenic person can end up being very suspicious all of the time. Such a person will find it difficult to function in a professional environment as he or she will not be able to trust another person with the performance of work related tasks, and personal relationships are also affected nonetheless.
  • Tendency to Fantasize- Schizophrenic people are known to fantasize a lot and often remain entrenched in their world of fantasy instead of connecting to reality. As a result, they often end up imagining things that are not real and believing such things to be true, not realizing what they believe to be true is a figment of their imagination.
  • Difficulty in Communication- Those who have schizophrenia are often known to experience difficulties in communicating with people. Their speech is often warbled, and they can never convey their viewpoints in a straightforward way in the manner in which non-schizophrenic people are known to do.
  • Sensitive in Nature- It is a well-known fact that those who are diagnosed with schizophrenia are people who are highly sensitive in nature. These are people who get hurt easily and who often find it hard to open up to others and express their deepest emotions and desires.
  • Intense Outbursts and Social Withdrawal- It is very common for schizophrenic people to withdraw into a shell as they cannot relate to the outside world. They are also prone to intense outbursts and can get very angry over minor issues thus making it difficult for people to reach out to them and provide them with the help that they need.
  • Incapable of Self-Care- One of the greatest disadvantages of being schizophrenic is that these are people who are not capable of taking care of themselves. They are known to live in an unreal world and are not able to relate or connect to those around them, thus not being in a position to look after themselves in the way they could have had they not been suffering from such a mental health condition.
  • Speech Difficulties and Undesirable Reactions- Schizophrenic people experience speech difficulties and are often known to react to events in an inappropriate manner. It can thus be awkward for any person to be around an individual who suffers from schizophrenia.
  • Lack of Interest in Pleasure Giving Activities- Schizophrenic people cannot experience pleasure or be interested in life the way people usually are. They are rarely interested in having fun and tend to prefer being in isolation thus making it hugely depressive for their friends and family members to be around them.

Thus, the above-mentioned points clearly reveal what being schizophrenic is all about and how schizophrenia in a person can be identified. This is a mental health problem that requires immediate attention and care for those suffering from it to be treated in the best possible way.

If you think a loved one is suffering from schizophrenia, get in touch with a Doctor immediately.
