How to Stop Food Cravings during Weight Loss

It’s been a month since you have been on diet and exercised yourself to the core but there are times when you feel

[the_ad id=”6153″]like having food that is not included in your meal plan given by your dietician. This happens with most of us when trying to “lose weight” or when on a “weight loss program”

Sometimes, it is so unmanageable that we give up easily. This could be quite disappointing as a single episode of binging is enough to mislead you from the track and can lead to consumption of extra calories. You can even become a person who gets addicted to food mentally, physically and emotionally, but don’t worry; here are some practical ways to stop those food cravings.

But there is a difference between food cravings and hunger; food craving is a strong urge for a particular food item. You might get cravings whether or not you are hungry, this urge is very strong and lasts for about 10-15 minutes. If you can control yourself for those 10-15 minutes then its possible that you might avoid that food item for which you have been craving.

It is seen that mostly a person craves for high carb foods,.These foods can be cakes, chips, chocolates, desserts and many other things. A lot of people crave for cold drinks, coffee and tea.

Food cravings get in the way of healthy a routine. Now that you are familiar with food cravings and how you get them, here are some tips on how to stop these food cravings.

Drink Water

Thirst is often confused with hunger or food cravings. If you feel a sudden urge for a snack, try drinking a glass of water and wait for a few minutes. You may be surprised to find out that the craving fades away, because your body was just thirsty.

Eat more protein

Protein has the properties that reduce your appetite and keep you from over eating, it also reduces cravings, and helps keep you feel full and satisfied for longer.
Increasing your protein intake may reduce your cravings by up to 60%.

Distance yourself from the craving

Whenever you feel like munching on to something at inappropriate times just try and distance yourself from it by diverting your mind. For example, you can take a walk or even take a shower or even chew a gum just to keep your mind off those thoughts.

Plan your meals

Try and plan your meals, if you cannot, you should seek the help of a dietician who can help you better in planning your meals. Meal planning is important because you have fixed meals at fixed times which reduces the cravings.

Eat Regularly

One of the major reasons for cravings is not eating regularly. Taking regular meals throughout the day and keeping healthy snacks close at hand reduces the chance of cravings by up to 65%. By being prepared and avoiding long periods of hunger, you may be able to prevent the cravings from showing up at all.

Brush your teeth

This might sound a little weird but it works most of the times. Brushing your teeth with minty toothpaste when you feel the need to crave for some food will help you overcome that craving specially at night. Who would like to mix the taste of ones’ favorite snack with the minty toothpaste.

Don’t skip breakfast

it is advised by nutritionists that breakfast should not be skipped for the simple reason that it is the most important meal of the day. Consuming food rich in protein and fiber with lots of liquid to accompany it will assure an energetic day ahead.

Get enough sleep

Sleep plays an important role in everything say weight loss treatment, weight gain or whether it is to stop those food cravings. As the old saying goes “early to bed, early to rise makes Jack healthy and wise”. You need on an average 6 hours of sleep daily to have a healthy functioning of mind and body.

Don’t starve yourself

Most of the times hunger triggers cravings. So if you wonder on how to stop these cravings then the solution is in your own hands. Eating small frequent meals throughout the day will keep your cravings at bay.

Know the causes

Cravings are usually triggered responses. In order to stop those cravings you firstly need to know why you are craving for particular foods. Knowing the cause and avoiding them can help you achieve the “weight loss” goal. For example, if you crave for sweets post lunch / dinner meals, then you can have some roasted saunf or you can also chew on a sugar free chewing gum immediately after the meals. Strong flavors of these foods will divert your mind and you will not crave.

Eat healthy food

If you are still struggling with craving, try and go for healthy food options rather than munching on junk food. You can grab a carrot instead of French fries, eat an apple instead of a burger and have popcorn instead of potato chips.


