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Workplace Stress – How to Deal With it?

Let’s explore how to cope with the truly deadly hazards of today’s stressful lifestyles and careers! 

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But wait… can really stress kill you? No, your stress is killing you. Right now. Without stressing you out further, here’s 6 ways how:

  1. Stress increases the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular disorders (basically raising the chance of a possible heart attack multifold!)
  2. Stress can cause digestive diseases like Irritable Bowel Syndrome that triggers stress-related disorders such as anxiety and depression – these again aggravate the risk of heart disease.
  3. Stress significantly shortens the lifespan of your cells! Your body is made up of cells
  4. Stress attacks your immune system, which makes you prone to all kinds of chronic and acute diseases!
  5. Stress increases the risk for Diabetes 2- one of the biggest killers in India!
  6. Stress messes with your body’s sleep cycles, thereby causing insomnia, anxiety, and depression. All of these diseases link back to highly increased chances of Cardiovascular Diseases, Hypertension and Diabetes

But what could your workplace possibly have to do with it? A LOT it turns out!  

A study released in 2016 indicated that a whopping 42.5% of employees suffer from depression! “Because of demanding schedules, high-stress levels, and performance-linked perquisites, especially in private sector, nearly 42.5% of employees are afflicted with depression or general anxiety disorder, compared to government employees with lesser levels of psychological demand at work.” The report revealed.

Again, more an ever-growing norm than exception in present-day corporate India. A survey by in 2012 revealed that due to severe schedules and extraordinary stress levels, nearly 78% of corporate employees in India average less than six hours of sleep a day, causing intense sleep disorders.

Sound familiar? Could this be you? Probably yes! So, Relax… Easier said than done, we know, but here are a few tried and tested ways:

  1. Sleep Well: Sound sleep of at least 7-8 hours every night is crucial for keeping stress at bay. However if you find it difficult to fall and stay asleep, here are a few measures you should definitely take up:
  • Keep your sleep cycle uniform by going to sleep at the same time and waking up at the same time everyday.
  • Cut down caffeine intake after 6pm
  • Avoid drinking alcohol before going to sleep; it actually lowers sleep quality significantly even if you think it helps you fall asleep faster.
  1. Exercise Regularly: Exercising releases stress-fighting and happy hormones such as endorphins and serotonin, which keep you calmer and lighter over a long period of time. Exercise also boosts productivity and mental alertness by as much as 25% and motivation by 40%, according to studies. So cycle, weightlift, Suryanamaskar or dance your stress away. There are countless options of stress busting exercises! Take your pick!
  1. Mediate Daily: Meditation, which gets increasingly simpler and effective with daily practice, is effective in not only fighting stress but also boosting your immune system, increasing mental agility and keeping you calm and happy! Breathe in, breathe out.
  1. Eat Right: If you are prone to stress and anxiety, there are various foods that can help you get rid of that jittery feeling. Munch dark chocolate, sip green tea, drink milk or even pop some Popeye food! Yes, the leafy greens in your sumptuous palak paneer help you stay calm while keeping your iron intake game strong! Let spinach set sail your stress ashore!
  1. Cut Vices: This not only includes the usual suspects such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs but also junk food and refined sugar! The latter two can be lethal because they act as significant triggers to various dangerous conditions such as Diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart disease and anxiety. Yes, those crunchy potato chips are killing you with each bite! And they are right! (No-one can eat just one, because of its addictive ingredients that are scientifically created to get you to crave more and more.)
  1. Think Positive: Just like meditation, this habit gets better with practice. Why is it one that is definitely worth acquiring? Various studies show that optimists enjoy better coping mechanisms when faced with stress, have much stronger immunity, and tend to be emotionally, mentally and physically healthier! Say cheers to a cup half full and you’ll soon see the cup of your life overflowing!

