Home Exercises for Belly Fat

Belly fat can be very stubborn and evident. If you don’t have time to hit the gym just spare 20 minutes for yourself

[the_ad id=”6085″]and try these exercises at home. But, to see results, it is important that you practice these exercises every day without fail.


  • This is considered as one of the best fat burning exercises by experts as it burns belly fat easier than most others. 
  • Lie down flat on the mat with your knees bent and feet on the ground
  • Lock your hands behind your head or crossed on your chest
  • Now, lift the upper part of your body towards your knees and then get back down
  • Inhale as you go down and exhale as you come up
  • Do about three sets of 10 counts each

Cross crunches

Similar to the regular crunches but focuses more on your belly muscles

  • You posture remains the same but keeps your hands behind your head
  • Now lift your body in such a way that your left elbow moves towards the right knee
  • Similarly the right elbow towards your left knee
  • You can even keep your legs raised alternatively to increase the effect once you get an idea of the regular crunches
  • Three sets of 10 each

Leg Raise

This exercise works on the area around your hip and lowers back

  • Lie flat on the floor and keep your legs together horizontally
  • Now, slowly raise your legs together vertically without lifting your upper half
  • Bring the legs back down and repeat
  • You can even do alternate legs instead of lifting them together
  • Try this, three sets of 10 times each

The bicycle 

You can do the bicycle even if you don’t own one or go to the gym

  • Lie flat on the mat keep your hands behind your head, similar to the crunches
  • Keep your legs raised and bend the knees
  • Now, bring the right leg close to your chest and left leg stretched out
  • Alternate between the knees similar to the action of riding a bicycle
  • Once you get the hang of it, you can alternate the hands as well, similar to crunches


Might look simple but one of the most difficult exercises to master

  • This focuses on the entire lower half, belly hips and back
  • Lie flat on your stomach
  • Now, raise your body taking the support of only your hands and toes
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds and then rest
  • Increase your holding time as the days progress

These basic exercises are great to start you off. However, it is important to learn new variations as the muscles get used to the exercises after a point and stop reacting. Just these exercises aren’t enough, include cardio like walking or running and a healthy diet too to see results. It’s best to consult a fitness expert to learn the correct positions and variations to target your fatty areas.

Remember, results can never be seen overnight, and everything takes time. Don’t overdo things and take it slow as the body needs rest days too.

